Al -Idrisi: Talking about "the Amazighs an original people" is a return to the barbarian back

  • Time:Nov 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In the context of the controversy raised recently on the topic of “the Amazighs are an original people in Morocco”, Dr. Rashid Al -Idrisi, professor of higher education at Hassan II University in Muhammadiyah, criticized some of the people of the original people regarding the Berber speakers, stressing that this is “the summit of extremism and racism, and a return to the fateful barbarian back.”.

Al -Idrisi warned, in an essential article entitled "Are the Amazighs an original people?"“.

And while I have the text of an article d.Rashid Al -Idrisi, as reported to the newspaper:

Are the "Berbers" an original people?

Extremism by concepts

During the last days, the issue of Amazigh has been raised again, and some have gone out that the Amazigh discourse in many of its premises is based on racist ideas that cannot be silent only to undermine the national fabric and the Balqnah of Morocco;This means to break up geography and divide it on a sectarian ethnic basis, and make hatred and hostility between the sides of this geography is the basis in a party’s view to the other side.

Among what sparked the debate, one of the political actors protesting the societies that raise the slogan of the Berber, which is considered the Berbers "an original people", as he saw in this statement a threat to the future Can extremism be attached to those who consider themselves a "authentic" people? Regardless of the inability of the latter to distinguish between the original and the original, the talk about the original people on the speakers of the Amazigh, which is an incorrect translation as we will see, is considered a summit in extremism and racism. To Morocco or to its history in any link.

The concept and its limits

Initially, we point out that the expression of the French "original people" is an incorrect translation of the French Peuples Autochtones and Indigenous Peoples, as they do not fulfill the significance circulating in these two languages, as the two foreign words that act on each other, have a special semantic load that we see in the linguistic dictionary alone without asylumTo the history of this word and its political consequences that we will see later.In most dictionaries and encyclopedias, we find among the meanings of this word the following: “The residents of the area invaded by the colonists ... an area under the influence of the colonists..The dictionary alone, then, is sufficient to indicate the error of Arabic translation and its lack of performance of the intended meaning in foreign languages, and this alone necessitates the Arabization of the word instead of its translation and talking about the treaty of the peoples of the Androgens or the Parlia.

This feature is increasing when we look at the definition that directed the works of the United Nations committees during its work on this concept, as its definition also confirms that the original people are a people who are slope of ancient residents who were expelled from their lands by another colonized people, worked to dominate them and treat them in a wayThere is no humanity, and today they live in a first degree according to their own customs and social, economic and cultural traditions, more than their dependence on the state institutions to which they are affected..Through these data and many others, it becomes clear to us that this name is not valid to characterize the Moroccan reality and limit their procedure in understanding those societies in which the convergence of two peoples led to marginalization, crushing and extermination of the resident by the incoming, instead of their mixing as it was on when the Moroccan population components converge, and contrary to What happened in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Latin America, South Africa and New Zealand ... where the Indians, Aburjen Australia and others who have suffered from exclusion and systematic killing by the European populations who conquered them in reserves, were annihilated for their desire to achieve certain interests and their inferior view of them.

These preliminary data reveals that when talking about the indigenous peoples, we are about a special context and a specific date that can be discriminated at some point - after geographical statements, as we are about relatively close migrations of our current historical stage that do not enter into their account all the migrations that human history has known, and this privacy It is related to Western colonialism that made the representative of India refer - when the United Nations adopted a draft resolution related to the establishment of a permanent body for the issues of the two pods in 2002 - that his country has no issue that can be introduced under the title of "indigenous" peoples, for a simple reason that all India's population is original, Therefore, he called for the necessity of working to provide an accurate definition of this designation in the near future to ward off confusion and misunderstanding.

Moroccan concept and context

الإدريسي: الحديث عن

These data were necessary for the reader to realize the seriousness of the political background that he aims to achieve those who raise the slogan of the Amazigh of racist proportions, who call for the need for Morocco to adopt the declaration of indigenous peoples and consider what they call the "Amazigh people" as part of it;This is the result that the Moroccans are not one people, as it results in cultural and political meanings that distort the history of the Arab Maghreb as a whole, and the recipient went to adopt an understanding of history based on the conflict between the inhabitants of the region, and as a result of this to take tribal, partisan and sectarian positions.This conceptual junction that this word causes, did not stem from a vacuum, but rather the result of the formulation of this concept from reading the history of peoples and other places that have nothing to do with Morocco, with evidence that the concept is built by the “Amazigh” fighters came in a next stage, after its formulation was completedSo that they had no contribution to its founding and theoretical to him.

It is clear that the adoption of the Amazigh discourse of this name stems from being a racist discourse in its depth. Of the Indians, Aborien, Australia, Eskimo, and Africa Dwarfs in texts that talk about racism towards this type of people embodied in the killing and invasion "Indian Wars model", and physical qualifiers by starving and spreading diseases, and the various of these practices we call today ethnic cleansing and mass killing ".And the inclusion of the Berbers in this context requires reading Moroccan history as a permanent conflict between two two peoples and its reading of the concepts of racism that were controlling the history of other peoples, and the call for racist exercise counterfeit to raise this imaginary injustice that does not exist except in the minds of these fortunes.

To raise the degree of contrasting the Moroccan situation from other cases that the name of the original peoples believe, we are reminded of the measures that the British have done against the Australian original people (the Aporgin).They feed from it, and they were prevented from practicing their rituals and raising their children themselves;In this context, one of the German missionaries (T..C.Bishov) that any mating with the first population will endanger the future.This is without talking about exterminating approximately 750.000 فردا سنة 1788 من طرف المعمرين و31000 سنة 1911، وتسميم منابع المياه وتوزيع أغطية وملابس تحملCراثيم معدية بهدف إبادة الساكنة بأكملها.The scholars say that the original Australian people who have been on their land for more than fifty thousand years, whose members did not become fully citizens until after the 1967 referendum, and it was not recognized that they were the first settlers of the continent of Australia except in the year 1993.

One of the aspects of the original people is relative autism at the level of features and physical characteristics, not to mention the other aspects determined by the High Commissioner for Human Rights as follows: “Preserving social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that clearly distinguish them from the characteristics of other groups that make up the national population.”.Which of the Amazigh Moroccans whom this announcement is concerned?Are they the Black Berbers or the white Berbers with light eyes, or are they the Berbers with black hair ...?Or are they the Arabs that are mixed or the Arabized Amazighs?

These questions prove the fragility of this designation and its inability to describe the Moroccan situation, it was found to understand another history, and therefore, in order to match the Moroccan situation, we have to (change/ distort) the name or Morocco, and there is no escape from one of these two bad options.This term, then, only leads to the occurrence of the scientific generalizations, because the Moroccan situation is unique as it embodies the melting pot crucible with distinction, and it is difficult to transform what history has been made into a bowl of salad «Sald Bowl».

The concept results and its consequences

لا أحد يجادل بعد كل ما قدمناه في عدمCدوى سحب هذا المفهوم علىCزء من المغاربة دون الآخر، فهذا المفهوم والإعلان المرتبط بهCاء استجابة لجغرافيا وتاريخ محددين، وهو مفهوم يرمي إلى التكفير عن ذنب المرحلة الاستعمارية التي قتل فيها الاوروبي ملايين أفراد هذه الشعوب.Here, a question must be asked about the reason for the insistence of some fortunes, including the Amazigh Congress and some Moroccan societies to match the concept of indigenous peoples and the Amazigh identity?

إن من ثوابت الخطاب النزوعي العمل على ترسيخ وتعميق الفروق والتمايزات بين المغاربة بشكل مرضي؛ ولذلك فقد دعا ورسّم وما زال يحاول فرض ترسيم كتابة الأمازيغية بحروف فينيقية لا تمت إلى تاريخنا بأية صلة، وذلك ضدا على الحرف العربي الذي كتبت به الأمازيغيات منذ دخول الإسلام إلى المغرب، كما عمل على كتابة هذه الأبجدية من اليسار إلى اليمين للتقرب من الأبجدية اللاتينية والقطع مع العربية حتى على مستوى حركة اليد، بينما كتب هذا الحرف (تيفيناغ) تاريخيا، من اليمين إلى اليسار ومن اليسار إلى اليمين ومن أعلى إلى أسفل ومن أسفل إلى أعلى، وهو رسم أمازيغية وهمية موحدة ضدا على اللغة العربية التي ستصبح ضمنا لغة فئة من المغاربة دون أخرى، وهو يدعو كذلك إلى اعتماد تقويم يسميه أمازيغيا ضدا على التقويم الميلادي الذي يعتمدهCل العالم المتقدم وكذا التقويم الهجري الذي هو حسب رأيهم تقويم ارتبط بالعرب وبحدث عربي لا صلة به للمغاربة… والنزوعي في عمله على تعميق هذه التمايزات يفقد أحيانا صوابه ويتحول إلى عنصري مريض يدعو إلى تحليل دماء المغاربة مخبريا لمعرفة الأمازيغي منهم ممن ليس كذلك، والتفريق بينهم بيولوجيا بعد أن فرقهم ثقافيا كما دعا إلى ذلك ضمنا محمد شفيق.

إن الانخراط في هذا الإعلان هو استمرار لهذه الاستراتيجية التمييزية؛ أي فصلCزء من المغاربة عنCزء آخر وإدخالهم، بوصفهم ينتمون إلى أصول مختلفة، في صراع افتراضي قد يتحول يوما ما إلى صراع على أرض الواقع.It is a vision, in addition to that it denying reality and history, not pragmatic, because it creates with Morocco problems and imports it from other environments, and it is imposed on him that the present live from a date and past that he did not contribute to making neither he nor his predecessors.The concept of the original people for Morocco, alone is sufficient to inflate the differences and deepening them satisfactory, as we find that in the Amazigh discourse, based on racism, which threw its first seeds in the Moroccan soil, the scenery of French colonialism.

This distinction itself was the one that was aimed at achieving the colonizer when it was issued to the barbarian back, and for their intersection on this point, you find al -Jasouki today, which was exposed by the documents of WikiLeaks, defending this back enthusiastically and dealing with it as a defense of the Amazigh, because it singled out some Moroccans with custom without others; That is, it separated the Moroccans and distinguished from each other on the legal level, in preparation for their introduction in a confrontation with each other; That is, he tried to establish legally distinguished distinctions, in preparation for transferring them to the geographical level after passing through the stage of fighting and mobs that makes the possible solution to divide Morocco, and retail will then be acceptable by all, but it will become a noble and humanitarian work because it will lead to bloodshed, and what is happening in Iraq today is a clear embodiment So.Playing on similarity, difference, reducing the first, and the second amplification is a common denominator between this back and this concept that appeared to address the problems of other peoples.

Concept and work

يقال إن معنى الكلمة يكمن في الفعل والعمل الذي تنتجه، وقد لاحظنا من خلال التحليل الذي قدمناه أن معنى “الأصلية” في السياق المغربي لا يمت بأية صلة لتاريخنا والعلاقات القائمة بين مكونات مجتمعنا وكذا ثقافتنا، وهو إلىCانب ذلك ينتج أو قابل لأن ينتج أفعالا تصب كلها في إشعالCذوة الصراع بين المغاربة وتحويل بعضهم عدوا لبعض.In the end, this perception, by talking about the Amazigh people instead of the Moroccan people, may encourage the cultivation of the idea of retail as a horizon with a category whose first goal is "guarantee" cheap interests, even if this leads to undermining national unity.

بناء على ما سبق، نقول بإن إطلاق تسمية الشعب الأصلي على الناطقين بالأمازيغية من طرف بعض العنصريين المتسترين برداء الأمازيغية هو إجرام في حق المغاربةCميعا وتشويه للتاريخ المغربي ونكران للثقافة الأمازيغية ولرموزها ومثقفيها الذين فكروا في المغرب كمجموعة ثقافية متكاملة، وارتضوا لأنفسهم الانخراط في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية وساهموا في صنعها ونقلها إلى مناطق أخرى من العالم. فتمزيغ عرب “أقحاح” وتعريب أمازيغ “خلص”، وحدها هذه الحقيقة تجعل الحديث عن شعب أصلي في السياق المغربي وهما وأسطورة وخطأ فادحا في حق المغاربةCميعا، ذلك أن الشعب الأصلي يفترض وجود ذاتين متمايزتين غير متنافذتين، تقيمان بينهما علاقة عمودية ينظر من خلالها طرف إلى الآخر نظرة احتقار واستصغار وعنصرية، وهو ما يمنع من تواصلهما وإقامتهما لحضارة مشتركة، لذلك وجب التحذير من هذا النوع من التفكير المتسرع والسطحي غير الخاضع للنقد، وتبيان خطورته وأبعاده الثقافية والسياسية.

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