قيادة "البيجيدي" تحذر من "الاختراق الصهيوني"‎‎

  • Time:Jul 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The General Secretariat of the Justice and Development Party held its periodic meeting, on Monday, and it was an occasion to deliberate on a number of political and organizational issues;According to a communiqué issued by "Al -Bijidi", which was received by the electronic newspaper Hespress.

In the aftermath of the same meeting, the General Secretariat confirmed, according to the same source, that the party's involvement and conditional support for the Kingdom's efforts to defend the issue of the territorial integrity, and the active in the face of the decisive external challenges faced by Morocco.


It also emphasized the initial position of the party in support of the just cause of the Palestinian people, and rejecting the occupation and the debtor of the various crimes committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people and the holy places, and warned of the danger of the Zionist penetration of Morocco.

The communication also announced, "Calling on the public authorities not to restrict the various popular expressions supporting the Palestinian issue, opposed to normalization and rejecting the Zionist occupation."

On the other hand, the General Secretariat of the Justice and Development Party stopped at some government decisions, and in this regard it said that it alerted "the great gap between the requirements and procedures of the government in the financial law in the Finance Law, on the one hand, and the great promises carried by the government program and pledged by the parties that make up the government in its programsElectoral, on the other hand..

The communication carried the surprise of the "Al -Bayjidi" leadership from "the government’s choice of withdrawing the draft criminal law, which includes requirements related to the criminalization of illegal enrichment, without other draft laws, which threatens to retract the commitment of our country to perpetuate the principles of good governance and fight corruption..

The General Secretariat also announced, "The rejection of the government approach, which is characterized by rushing and improvisation in downloading the reform of the education and training system, and refusing to review the enactment and conditions for access to the matches of the employment of professors the regional academies frameworks for education and training.".