The government of Akhenoush .. "Bumlomat Minister" and the leaders of 3 political parties in one formation

  • Time:Nov 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

From the city of Fez, Moroccans received the first news of their new government, after tracks in which many names were held. Today, discussions on the Istamar and the collection of sectors ended today, to produce the government formation that awaits several challenges..

The formation of the new government has witnessed many changes in certain sectors by including new names and women's and young faces;In addition to keeping the "old guard" in the ministries of sovereignty, and other names had an opportunity to take responsibility again.

Moroccans are awaiting the passage of the current government to work, by returning to the volume of promises that were given along the election parties' campaigns, as well as the new names that Aziz Akhenouch carried with him to the meeting of King Mohammed VI in the city of Fez.

King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay Al -Hassan and Prince Moulay Rachid, headed today, Thursday, at the Royal Palace in the city of Fez, the decrees of the appointment of members of the new government, led by Aziz Akhenouch.

Pillar and ministries

Abdul Rahim Al -Allam, Professor of Political Science at Al -Qadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, considered that the first observation is heading to matters calculated for the government, and the beginning of the small number and sectors, as well as the presence of women within the current structure.

حكومة أخنوش ..

Al -Alam added, in a statement to Hespress, that other things came to the collection that remains strange, and led by Star the deans of large cities, at a time when we are talking about regionalism and decentralization, a headquarters with the difficulty of the mission of the Casablanca administration in front of Nabila Al -Rumaili, and Marrakech in front of Fatima Al -Zahra Al -Mansouri.

The Moroccan university pointed out that these two appointments are raised questions of the absence of competencies within the parties, and he added, "What is the one who calls, for example, to Estzar Fatima Al -Zahra Al -Mansouri in the Ministry of Housing, and she does not have an experience at all in this field?".

The same spokesman considered that "the logic of recycling between the deanship and the ministry will be difficult", regretting the tyranny of political and organizational links more than efficiency in choosing names;On the other hand, the price of Estzar Abdel -Latif Mirawi in the Ministry of Higher Education.

Regarding the Ministry of Education, Al -Alam shows a reservation to choose a name belonging to the world of money, resource: “It is true that Shakib Benmoussa took over the development model committee, but it is far from the education sector, and it was possible to use the name of an experience in the field.”.

New faces

Omar Al -Sharqawi, a professor of political science at Hassan II University, said that "the profiles are new", and that "many Moroccans do not know the new ministers", recording that "this is a strength and not weak at all, especially after consuming many names".

The spokesman for the newspaper Hespress appreciated the presence of names from the Development Model Committee, and another that accumulated experience in its fields, indicating that “when comparing it is clear that these are better than their predecessors, and what is required now is to work according to strategies and with strong work teams,” as he put it.

Al -Sharqawi added that the sovereign sectors retained the same faces, expressing his satisfaction with the selection of directors of collections and two general writers for the ministries in order to take over the position, considering that the matter will be important by virtue of informing officials of the hidden sectors.

Political government

Amin Al -Saeed, Professor of Political Science at Muhammad Ben Abdullah University in Fez, stressed that the features of the ministerial elite numerically highlight the importance of the current government, as it is the least in the history of successive governments, with women attending it..

Al -Saeed added that the government is political par excellence, as it includes 19 ministers belonging to parties, as well as 3 leaders, stressing in the same context that the presence of technocrats remained strong by virtue of their success in managing several important workshops.

On the social sectors, Al -Masbis said, “It is difficult to predict success, but in general there are strong expectations and great challenges, especially at the financial level.” He added, “Does the current government have financial capabilities to respond to promises?”.