Ait Al -Talib: The decision to open the borders of Morocco is not a competence of the scientific committee

  • Time:Feb 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Khaled Ait Al -Talib, Minister of Health and Social Protection, said that the scientific committee to fight the Corona epidemic is neither of its powers nor will issue data on decisions related to other sectors, such as opening borders, stadiums or other public spaces.

Ait Al -Talib added in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, this evening, Wednesday, that the tasks of the committee are technically technical, which is "our knowledge of the seriousness of the new museum and the epidemiological situation in various parts of Morocco and the rest of the world.".

The government official explained that "the committee does not decide on the issue of opening the weather borders, but rather gives recommendations," refusing some members of the committee to creativity in interpreting and interpreting the contents, recording that "the correct news on the borders has not yet been issued.".

آيت الطالب: قرار فتح حدود المغرب ليس من اختصاصات اللجنة العلمية

Ait Al -Talib added, “Some of the statements issued by the members of the committee are jurisprudence and fallacies.As for what comes from it, it is far from what some members of the committee stated..

Multiple sources from within the scientific committee had said that opening the air borders between the Kingdom and all other countries is very possible to stability in the epidemiological situation in the country.

According to the data issued by the scientific committee combined today, Wednesday, the weakness of the museum "Omekron" in the countries of Europe monitored, with the outbreak of the museum "Delta" in the first place..

The committee considered that the privacy of the "omekron" museum is only strengthened in the countries of southern Africa, noting that the committee is not within its jurisdiction to provide specific dates to reopen the borders..

The sources of the electronic newspaper Hespress from within the scientific committee added that "the ministerial committee will decide the date of opening the borders, but things are going in the desired direction for the scientific committee.".