Ahmed Zaki .. The popular personality when he surpasses stardom requirements

  • Time:Jan 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Adnan Hussein Ahmed

The success of the artist Ahmed Zaki did not emerge from a vacuum, but rather came as a result of an early passion for the art of acting that he compensated for some of the psychological and social losses that he was exposed to in his childhood and boyhood, but once he touched his first artistic steps until he realized that the treatment lies in the visual arts that achieve fame and rhetoric,And you are in the world.

Whoever knows Ahmed Zaki closely realizes his insistence on excellence in his academic and creative life, he graduated in the Department of Acting and Directing at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts with an appreciation of privilege, as he began selecting the various artistic roles that do not drop him in the trap of similarity and repetition.

Despite his brown skin, curly hair, and sharp features, Ahmed Zaki was able to penetrate the specifications of the cinematic star that prevailed at the time and kidnapped the hearts of viewers in various artistic roles, some of which mimic the concerns of the poor, and others are in question the problems of the middle class without depriving himself of the big roles that were engravedHis name is in the memory of the Egyptian and Arab viewers alike, as is the case in the unique three films "Nasser 56", "The Days of Sadat" and "Halim" in which their characters are fully brilliantA unique "specialized" will not leave the recipient's memory easily.

Just as Ahmed Zaki succeeded in embodying the historical roles and the biography of writers and artists, he also succeeded in performing the popular personalities that begin with the worker, the waffle and the fatwa, and pass through the thief, the trauma and the drug dealer, and end with the investigative officer, the minister and the head of state.Due to the importance of this popular character, which the artist reckons for nearly four decades and shines to the point of dazzling, we will devote this critical article to follow five popular characters who are still vibrant in the memory of Arab viewers who loved their "black tiger".

مثلما نجح أحمد زكي في تجسيد الأدوار التاريخية وسِير الأدباء والفنانين، نجح كذلك في تأدية الشخصيات الشعبية

The popular character of Ahmed Zaki

Since the creative area of the artist Ahmed Zaki is very vast, this critical study will be limited to the "popular personality" that the artist embodied in five films: the character of the Kharat in "The Black Tiger" (1984) by Atef Salem, and Al -Bawab in "Al -Baybah Al -Bawab" (1987)Lahcen Ibrahim, Al -Dajal in “Al -Bayed and Al -Hajar” (1990) by Ali Abdel -Khaleq, and the garage worker in “Mister Karate” (1993) by Muhammad Khan, and the driver in “Souqq Al -Hanim” (1995) by Hassan Ibrahim as well.

Taking into consideration that some of these characters may develop, as the Kharaa becomes a boxer first and then a manager of import and export, as the gaps are promoted to become a broker that trades with residential apartments, while the teacher abandons the teaching profession to turn into a dumplings practicing magic and sorcery.As for the rural young man who works in a garage, he turns into a caller in another parking lot, before returning to his village.

To be careful in cultivating his land, while the driver remains clinging to his profession after he left the daughter of Al -Hanim and returns to his girlfriend in the popular neighborhood that inhabits him.

محمد حسن المصري يسند دور الخرّاط إلى أحمد زكي الذي أتقنه وأجاد فيه في فيلم "black Tiger"

black Tiger..Poor reaps wealth in Germany

أنجز مخرج "الأسرة المصرية" عاطف سالم فيلم "black Tiger" عام 1984، وقد أسند دور الخرّاط محمد حسن المصري إلى أحمد زكي الذي أتقنه وأجاد فيه، فقد تدرّب على هذه الشخصية وقدّمها لنا بشكل مقنع مثلما قدم شخصية الملاكم، وذلك بعد أن تدرّب عليها لعدة شهور أيضًا وقدّمها بطريقة مقنعة وخالية من الافتعال.

The film's cinematic story deals with multiple themes and ideas related to poverty, richness, class differences, immigration, integration of society, love, racism, nostalgia to the homeland, etc., but the personality of Muhammad Al -Masry is emanating from a extreme poverty of a dispersed family, after his parents separated, he had to live with his mother by a decision of the court, but he continued to workWith his father, Al -Nadaf for a period of time, until one of the customers warned him of the dust of cotton and advised him to send the boy to the Khawaja workshop in Paulo in order to learn the profession of the turning..

It was not long before until Al -Khawaja discovered that this boy is talented and highly intelligent, he taught him the secrets of the entire profession, and more than that he was offered to be secured by a contract with a German factor. لكن العنصرية تقف عائقًا أمامه فيُطرد من المعمل ويُحرَم من شهادة الخبرة، فيلتجئ إلى الملاكمة التي تعرّف إلى بعض أصولها وقوانينها، لكن المدرّب كوستا (أحمد مظهر) ينصحه بنسيان كل ما تعلّمه في مصر، واشترط عليه أن يبدأ من جديد فيخسر مرة ويفوز مرة حتى انتزع لقب "black Tiger".

In the midst of the collided events and the possibility of war with Israel, Muhammad Al -Masry decides to return to his country, but his beloved Helga (Wafaa Salem) discourages him from returning when she tells him that she is pregnant, and that her racist father will be pumped to the fait accompli and blesses this marriage reluctantly.

Muhammad is busy with his work and achieves the invention that he was occupying day and night, and his life turns upside down, to become a manager of the company and speak in several global languages, and money is poured into him like the rains, so he takes off his popular robe to wear the solution of wealthy managers without forgetting his social roots, or abandoning his familyAnd his family and friends who he knew during his volatile social life.

Al -Bayeh Al -Bawab..Upgrade

The movie "Al -Bayah Al -Bawab" (1987) is a milestone in the balance of the director Hassan Ibrahim, the owner of "Tale in two words" and "The cat is a lion", and other important social films that depend on the popular personality, as Abdel Samie came from one of the villages of Manfalut to CairoAnd he became a gate of one of the buildings, and despite being illiterate, it succeeds in dealing with all the residents of the architecture and is able to exploit them sometimes.It has turned from a simple gate to a broker who trades with furnished apartments, and is associated with Mrs. Ilham, who embodied the role of the artist Safia Al -Omari and starred in it..

There is no doubt that the Egyptian features of the artist Ahmed Zaki and his brown skin and his obedient dialect that provided him with this great amount of credibility, and made him adapt to the growth of the personality and her gradual developments that stunned his friends and acquaintances who deal with him, so that Farhat (Fouad Al -Muhandis) who is referred to retirement has workedWith him, he called him "Al -Bayah Abdul Sami".

When the critics studied the character of Al -Bayah Abdel Samie Al -Shaabiya, they discovered that the artist Ahmed Zaki was experiencing the personality he was reincarnating, dissolving and identical to the degree40 people are blind, in order to contemplate their movements and dwellings and understand their reactions if someone inquired from them or asked them about something, so his role in the series "Al -Ayyam" came complete and does not lack anything, so that the viewer was feeling that he really saw a blind man.

أحمد زكي.. الشخصية الشعبية حينما تتفوق على اشتراطات النجومية

We must bear in mind that Ahmed Zaki did not bet himself for a specific personality, so he did not fall like any abode in the trap of repetition, but he continued to pant behind the diversity and search for a new personThe privilege and the first on his payment, and most importantly, he was "sincere" in expressing all the characters that they reincarnated after he made a great effort that the transient actor whose name is not engraved in the memory of the recipients does not make it..

And due to the quality of his accommodation and careful diagnosis of the roles he performed;The artist and poet Salah Jaheen pushed him to say "this valley is tangible" or address the brown boy, "You were born in a time other than your time.".

أحمد زكي مثّل شخصيات منوعة كالملاكم والبواب والدجّال وعامل الكراج ومنادي السيارات

An egg and stone..From a philosophy teacher to Dajal

ينحدر البطل مستطاع الطعزي من وظيفة مدرّس فلسفة واجتماع إلى ممارسة أعمال السحر والشعوذة ليصبح دجّالاً بامتياز، وذلك في فيلم "An egg and stone" (1990) للمخرج علي عبد الخالق الذي عرفناه في "أنشودة الوداع" و"جري الوحوش"، قبل أن ينقطع كليًا إلى إخراج المسلسلات التلفزيونية.

This film has many sensitive themes, among them the knowledge of the horoscope by reading the palm or a cup, the dismantling of enchanted supplications, reading the unseen and predicting the future, and other works of charlatanism and sorcery.

Unlike other characters that begin with simple and then develop in their functional and social status, Al -Tabazi can fall from the status of the teacher to the Antichrist after they blocked his monthly salary because they believed that he was communist and talks about "value, consumption and red speech".

Although he holds a master’s degree and is concerned with preparing a doctoral thesis that revolves around “the confused person between science and myth”, he finds himself forced to practice magic, although he does not realize his methods and does not know anything about him, yet he succeeds in dismantling the magic of a man whose mother claims to have been tied,In another place, the wife who stole her husband discovers an amount of money, then he graduates in his new profession that has become famous everywhere until he reaches the highest levels, where the senior official asks him to know if the urgent surgery that will be performed for his daughter is successful or a failed, so he admits to him that he is a ritualAnd he reinforces his words by saying, "The falsehood lies even if they believed", and demands that they be tried, but they did not do..

Whoever is appointed in the personality of Al -Taazi will again find a state of coexistence with the personality of the dajal and his well -known requirements, Ahmed Zaki was able to convince us in turn, and perhaps he merged more than it calls for reincarnation, and he began to give the personality from his among his own as the critic Ahmed Saif says that he left Ahmed ZakiSome of himself in every character he embodied, ”while we tend to believe that he represented the role well and mastered it, and faded in it until it is convincing to its customers and disciples first and to the recipients who watch this smart film that naked the bottom of the Egyptian society secondly, and dives into its poor and rich social segments.Either, as he did with the senior officer and the first official in the state.

Mister Karate..Village victory over the city

يُعتبر فيلم "Mister Karate" (1993) لمحمد خان انتقالا إلى الواقعية الجديدة التي يمثلها خيري بشارة وعاطف الطيب وشريف عرفة، إضافة إلى مخرجين آخرين.

The film begins from an Egyptian village that most of its youth suffer from unemployment, and after the death of the father, Salah, a graduate of the Trade Institute, is forced to travel to Cairo, and works in the same garage in which his father worked, and there he gets to know Nadia (Nahla Salama) and creates an innocent relationship between them, but he recognizes her with his love and wishesTo be his wife.

The events escalate when a reckless young man shocked him with a luxury car, and he enters the hospital, and he comes out with a damaged leg, then finds another work in a parking lot, and a pioneer impersonates the detectives to help an old woman who has exhausted her repeated reviews in the interest of pensionWith the personality of this disguised officer, a cars.Then he collides with Abu Al -Wafa, the mysterious millionaire, who trades his men with heroin and presents him to justice..

Just as Ahmed Zaki trained on the personality of the Kharat, the boxer, the gatekeeper and the dazzle, he also trained the personality of the garage factor, the caraway player and car cali..

Also, the role of the simple village lover was in harmony with the son of the village, who said he barely loved Nadia and wishes her wife.Despite the time he spent in the capital, he kept his popular personality. Perhaps his return to the village is a confirmation of this character and its reinforcement for it. Rather, it is the village that triumphed over the city when it regained the son who came to be a beautiful wife that is shown by a lot of love.

فيلم "Al -Hanim Souq" شكل تعزيزا لشخصية حمد زكي الشعبية الذي عمل سائق تاكسي عند لطيفة هانم

Al -Hanim Souq..An authoritarian mother and a miserable family

يشكِّل فيلم "Al -Hanim Souq" لحسن إبراهيم تعزيزًا للشخصية الشعبية في تجربة الفنان أحمد زكي الذي يعمل سائق تاكسي عند لطيفة هانم (سناء جميل) التي تنتمي إلى سلالة عائلة ملكية، وتعيش على ذكريات الماضي الذي بدأ يتلاشى من ذاكرة الجميع، لكنه يتجدد في ذاكرتها كل يوم.

Since the mother is very authoritarian, her husband, Hosni Beck, Heshmat Pasha (Adel Adham) leaves the palace and opens a shop selling flowers, as the son Fayek Hosni assaulted the maid Fathia, and the spoiled girl is located in Hosni's ideas in the love of the driver who loves his neighbor, emotions, so the entire family matters are obligated when she discoversThe mother carried the maid, and with her mother, she sees the development of the emotional relationship between the driver and her daughter, so the son marries the maid, and the driver holds his marriage to the girl "thoughts" that retreat in the last moments when you see the face of the face of his poor family members who belong to the bottom of society, so he also leaves the ceremony to marryFrom his neighbor, emotions, and continues his life in the popular neighborhood that inhabits him.

Whoever follows the personality of "Al -Suwaq" Hamada in this film discovers his spontaneity first, and his superior ability to communicate his feelings and delicate feelings in times of love with "Hosni's ideas", but he turns into a broken monster when he deals with her brother Fayek Hosni, who assaulted the maid, where he took him toThe outskirts of the city and wider him to do the heinous act, and forced him to marry her after his father agreed to ward off the scandal that can be exploded at any moment.

مَنْ يعرف أحمد زكي عن كثب يُدرك إصراره على التميّز في حياته الدراسيّة والإبداعية

"My diagrams"..A phenomenon that turned the specifications of the movie star

Many are the popular characters that the artist Ahmed Zaki reckons, as he embodied the role of the photographer in "Laughs, the image is sweet", and the village young man who turns into a thug in "escape", the drug smuggled in "Hassan Al -Lol", and the queue in "Dreams of Hind and Camelia"..And other characters belonging to the bottom of society and large segments of the poor class.But this did not prevent him from taking the personalities of officers, lawyers, ministers and presidents who alternated with power.

We conclude that "my personalities", Ahmed Zaki, is an artistic phenomenon that turned the characteristics of the handsome cinematic star upside down, and it became possible for the young brown young man to be a star, because the tournament is no longer exclusive to the people with white skin, vegetable eyes and the ideal similar stature, he canceled AhmedZaki all the requirements of the medal, gravity, and external beauty data to be replaced by the condition of creativity that is attached to the memory of people, and settles in the eyes of the eyes.