After his arrest from the hospital .. Bahrainis are demanding to reveal the fate of MP Osama Al -Tamimi

  • Time:Dec 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Activists launched on social media a campaign to reveal the fate of former Bahraini deputy Anas Al -Tamimi, who was arrested from a hospital receiving treatment.

The tags#Osama_ Al -Tamimi and reveal the fate of Osama_ Al -Tamimi and we are all _ Osama_ Al -Tamimi..

Humanist activist Abdel -Ilah Al -Mahoozi wrote in a series of tweets on Twitter that when the militant Osama Al -Tamimi was arrested from the hospital, “all the devices were removed from his head while bleeding blood”, saying that the security forces “asked the guard to delete the registration from the regulatory, do not leak crime in public opinion.”.

According to human rights and family sources, the Bahraini security forces arrested, last Wednesday, former MP Osama Al -Tamimim, that the arrest coincided with his house in large numbers of police forces..

بعد اعتقاله من المشفى.. بحرينيون يطالبون بالكشف عن مصير النائب أسامة التميمي

The same sources stated that the arrest took place by raiding the security force of the hospital in which he is located, where he undergoes treatment after being poisoned by the authorities during his arrest earlier..

Yesterday, Thursday, the people of Al -Hamala and “Al -Samoud Triangle” organized a solidarity stand with Al -Tamimi, condemning the continued detention of Bahraini opponents despite the risks, poor health and neglect.

"Al -Tamimi was in the goal of targeting power in several times over the past years for his opposition to the regime's tyranny and its support for the victims," said former Bahraini deputy Jawad Fayrouz..

Activist Dr. Ibrahim Al -Aradi added that "this explicit violation is happening in full view of the world, which is a message to the people that they are silent or killed.".

Activists pointed out that the security system in Bahrain has not changed, but rather is directed to more repression and deterioration, and they indicated that "the reforms that the Bahraini official system talks about does not exist, and national human rights institutions that preserve the rights of the citizen, Himtra, are useless buildings.".

Bahrainis called for the return of the beautiful to the detainee Al -Tamimi, who today pays the price of his defense of the rights stolen to Bahraini citizens, as they reminded of his previous stances, which remained far from injustice, exclusion and sectarianism.

Tweeters circulated videos of previous statements by MP Al -Tamimi, expressing his opposition to the Bahraini regime's policies and declaring his standing alongside what citizens who hold a political vision opposed to the government and the regime in Bahrain are exposed to..