Admission requirements for the Faculty of Physical Education

  • Time:Mar 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Conditions for admission to the Faculty of Physical Education The Faculty of Physical Education is considered one of the most important colleges at the present time for all sports lovers of all kinds, swimming, football, basketball and many others, and the number of registrations increases every year due to the multiplicity of fields of work or because studying in it is enjoyable while maintaining the integrity of the body, and we will explain In the following article, you will have a set of important information about the College of Physical Education, its departments, and areas of work after graduation.

Admission requirements for the Faculty of Physical Education

There are a set of conditions that must be met in order to be eligible to study in the College of Physical Education, including:

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Learn how to register for the electronic aptitude test

From the registration site for the aptitude tests for the Faculty of Physical Education, which are conducted electronically with the following steps:

How to conduct an aptitude test

The ability tests are conducted in the faculties of physical education spread in the different governorates in three phases over three days as follows:

Find out what documents are required to take the aptitude test

The student must personally go to the headquarters where he takes aptitude tests, where his identity and status as a student already registered in the college are verified.

Faculties of physical education in Egypt

There are twenty-six colleges throughout Egypt, including:

What are the teaching subjects in the Faculty of Physical Education?

  • Sports equipment, first aid and injury where you can work as a doctor in the stadiums after graduating from the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports Training, Sports Management, Sports Scientific Research and other subjects.
  • In addition to various water sports such as swimming, regeneration, camps, outdoor sports, matches, individual sports and racket games.
  • Knowledge of the anatomical structure of the human body as well as physiological movements, which allows the student to know how the body moves and performs its vital functions.
  • Graduated batches from the Faculty of Physical Education have been trained on advanced scientific foundations to work in various sports facilities such as clubs and gyms.
  • In addition to learning and training in different sports to allow students to compete in international competitions.
  • Fitness is maintained and the body is protected from obesity and its effects.
  • Sport primarily develops the mind and improves the functioning of the nervous system, that is, it improves thinking patterns, concentration rate and comprehension.
  • Helps young people to use their free time in useful games that help them build their bodies.
  • A strong and intelligent generation is created to manage its time and life, one that does not get carried away in bad habits that can harm its health.
  • Training students in beneficial non-violent sports such as freestyle wrestling Students should learn that fair play is the most important thing to do.
  • Learn about the departments of the Faculty of Physical Education

  • The second section is the Department of Physical Education and qualifies the student to be a physical education teacher in schools or sports camps.
  • The third department is the Department of Sports Management, which qualifies graduates to work in sports management for certain facilities such as clubs.
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