The accused of stealing gold stores with trick: I carefully select the sellers and prefer the youth

  • Time:Sep 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

All of its crimes were implemented by the niqab or black muzzle after exploring the site

الأربعاء2021/12/1المصدر : الأنباءعدد التعليقات 10عدد المشاهدات 26954A+A-استمع

Mubarak Al -Tnaba, the men of the General Administration of Criminal Investigation, the Salmiya Investigation Office, to the Public Prosecution yesterday, accused of stealing the gold stores in the manner of al -Mughala, as well.A security source told Al -Anbaa, that the accused, who is unlimited, 41 years old, made exciting confessions, as she confirmed that she is taking carefully targeted stores or rather young vendors choose and refuse to target the shops that the elderly work, that is, above fiftyGeneral.The defendant said that she was entering the targeted stores and begins to talk with young vendors, as well as exploit the presence of customers and open one of the storefronts and sometimes she requires many golden pieces to pretend that they are looking at them.She made it clear that she was sometimes buying a piece and stealing another in the manner of the vulnerability, and sometimes if she had the opportunity to steal without buying and leaving quickly.She stated that she was keen to put her car at a distance of at least kilometers and in side streets so that it was difficult to follow by the surveillance cameras and was keen to wear the veil or put a black muzzle, noting that she was carrying out exploratory tours a day before theft and determined the store that would target it.The defendant acknowledged the stealing of several stores in the areas of Mubarakiya, Hawalli, Fahaheel and Al -Farwaniyah, and also confirmed that the expatriate who was buying gold from which he knew that she was getting gold in illegal means, even though he denied these allegations during his interrogation with him..The Salmiya Investigation men, and after investigations that lasted for a period of time, were able to arrest the accused and managed to seize its partner (40 years), where he worked in a jewelry store in the Salmiya area.

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