As soon as a blood transfusion center announces the decline in its stock of this vital substance, in order to invite citizens to donate their blood and save the lives of the sick, injured, and pregnant women… the voices of critics who denounce what they describe as “buying and selling” in blood collected for free become louder. from donors and donors.
Free donation and benefit paid for it
If the infusion centers obtain the blood of donors in the framework of national and local campaigns, and voluntary and humanitarian initiatives, without the volunteers receiving any financial compensation, then those looking for blood bags to save someone's life The needy are faced with two options to obtain this substance, the first is to provide a fee for each bag, and the second is to recruit new volunteers to donate their blood in order to obtain the bags for free.
The financial return for each blood bag, according to the statements of patients and injured people who have experienced the need for this necessary substance for life, is about 350 dirhams per bag, while some find themselves forced to perform some increases in private clinics, sometimes reaching levels that exceed the capabilities of the beneficiaries of blood bags. Those who did not find new donors to benefit from free blood.
Clarification by an official at a blood transfusion center
In view of the recent improvement in the epidemiological situation, Hakim Chmeish, head of the blood transfusion center in Khouribga, said, "The shortage known to the blood bank is still, up to now, what it used to be." You have been waiting for a long time, because of the fears of the volunteers,” he called on “all citizens, male and female, to take into account the urgent need for this vital material, to save the lives of those in need, and to avoid all forms of fear that prevent them from donating.”
The same spokesman added, in a statement to the Hespress electronic newspaper, that “the blood transfusion center relies on its partners from civil society and loyal donors, in addition to the appeals that are launched through all means of communication, to mobilize its stock, especially in critical times.” Donors to join the blood transfusion centers or not in the donation campaigns that are organized from time to time.
As for the discussion that always revolves around free donation and the cost of blood bags, Shmeish gave an example of water that a person gets from rain for free, but he pays a fee to benefit from it, noting that “blood and its derivatives require the payment of a sum of money, not in return for the material in In itself, but rather in exchange for the operations that the donor’s blood is subjected to in order to rehabilitate and store it and make it safe and fit for use by patients and the needy.” He added that “pregnant women and those who have a Ramid card benefit from free blood.”
The high price of blood.. fact or rumor?
About the voices indicating that the blood donated by volunteers for free is sold at varying prices between private clinics, and its price exceeds 500 dirhams per bag, the head of the blood transfusion center in Khouribga denied Sanatoriums have sold blood bags at high prices, stressing that “this is not true, because the storage and distribution of blood and its derivatives is the specialty of blood transfusion centers only.”
The same spokesman called for avoiding all disincentives, rumors and impediments, and the demand for blood transfusion centers to donate blood, stressing that “all precautionary measures and safety measures are available in the donation places, so that the process passes in conditions that preserve the safety of donors and workers in blood transfusion centers alike.” Both,” stressing that “providing blood and its derivatives is everyone’s responsibility, because it is a substance that cannot be manufactured, and there are patients who are in constant need of it, such as patients with leukemia and kidney failure.”
Hakim Shmeish also mentioned that “the donor benefits from several analyzes, such as his blood type and infectious disease analyzes, etc.,” adding that “several studies have shown that donating blood on a regular basis protects against heart attacks and strengthens immunity, so the culture of donating this important substance should be spread in all Roads, with the need to integrate them into school curricula, because donors are the only hope for the lives of those in need,” as he put it.