About a deadly revival

  • Time:Jan 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The developments of the Ukrainian situation and the details of the Russian movement regarding it take all the world's attention and control..It is an interest that is close to the horror of the field escape and the return of Europe to the pre -World War II stage.This is something that anyone imagined after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet system to a sovereign patch, one of which includes a national entity that returns to the light from the darkness of the "international" integration that was produced by the map after the end of that major war in 1945...Then the Soviet dictator (the worst of its kind in history) was caught, the price of his participation in eliminating the Nazi and liberating the countries that he subjected to fire and destruction..It was at its entirety at the borders of the Soviet Union itself and not far from it...He fell under his wings and closed the doors, preventing light, freedom and progress, just as he did with the peoples of the Soviet Union and the multiple national entities that included it.Later on the development of the concept of care and guardianship of the Kremlin residents and those who punish the housing in it, and the "socialist system" became extended to wider geographical areas of the eastern European space to Cuba in the west and South Asia in the east and the systems between them that approached the socialist example without its full adoption in Africa and the Middle East with whatThis meant this from miserable and bitter experiences, whose prices are still pushing to this day! Vladimir Putin's return to the climates of that phase, meaning a sterile attempt to revive what died and disappeared..As much as it indicates the same crisis with the enlargement of its merit and the fullness of those ego with hybrid tendencies that integrate faith by selecting or choosing the self to play a fateful historical role, with the political short -sighted political savvy that the owner assumes that it is time to correct what it considers "the biggest strategic geo error in the twentieth century"...Of course, the collapse of the Soviet system means without making a single bullet! This is the nerve of what is meant by the introduction to this explanation and analysis: Putin approaches the biological attempt from security angles that affects the vital range of Russian security and invents excuses of the same type to justify his first goal to return the Sheikh of the empire to his youth!Or revive the polar system of the triangle of the ribs (with China) in a way that breaks the unilateralsThe countries that resigned and released away from the "center"..Then he begins to use the remains of the stage prior to building the current and the future: he remembers the "rights" and the reasons for the Russian nations intertwined with the other people in Georgia, then in Crimea and then in eastern Ukraine before he begins the stage of eloquent speaking out with his devastating biological department!Usually the tyrant messengers invented external enemies and stems the inner determination to confront them!It is spoken by the logic of self -fear to justify his terrorism for others!He weaves accounts of conspiracy by the "enemies" to cover his conspiracy intentions against the concept and system of national sovereignty in the neighboring countries that came out of the Soviet families!Or it can be taken into account when it fled in the first and separate, the peoples of those entities and countries away from the cage at the first hole in it!And when she decided after five decades of "happiness" under the shadows of the older brother in the Kremlin, she was satisfied with happiness and welfare and only!And you want something of the "slavery" provided by the system of market and Western democracy in particular!The most terrible concerns today is that time returns back and that the Caesar, or the Secretary -General, or the UN leader, the feat of the restoration of the cage and the return of those who flew from it, to it! The Soviet Union collapsed from inside it and not the result of a great confrontation..This was inevitable in the world of modernity and open spaces, and it was not "the biggest strategic mistake in the twentieth century" but rather the largest correction of the path of history and humanity since the German Nazi and Italian fascist.Putin's first dilemma is a current or modern tool in an ancient world!He comes from outside the general time and lives in his own time and sees what his mind wants to see and not what is in the extent of the view of each other...The tactics of the security man depend on the broader spaces of the party organization or the intelligence service, and it will be supposed to succeed, just as it has succeeded over seventy years in Russia and the Soviet system!This means in his rule and he knew that the collapse took place in the late 1990s because "security" was lacked!And the prestige was broken!It is not because the theory was from its foundation and is still against the oppression of human instinct because its pioneers decided to change the first nature of creation of three freedom, ownership and religious faith, that is, the space of all its forms and meanings!Whoever chooses the other way, and that he is broken again, just as his parental and systematic example was broken twice in his life: once with the loss of his father when he was young and once the loss of his Lord’s work with the collapse of the entire system!And nothing is presented to avoid that distress and guest except what he knows and what he was brought up with: violence, coercion, force, imposition and coercion!The worst thing in that is his "complete conviction" with the correctness of his visions and his "right" to act according to those visions!...As if it is identical to the guardian in Tehran: similar tactics with different strategies and addresses.That is issued by religious and national awareness, and this is issued by security and national awareness.That wants to restore the glories of a national empire with a divine divine cover, and this wants to revive the bones of a national empire with a security cover!The two biological two are offered to the world and the near neighborhood except destruction and annihilation..And the sure promise of more of them !!

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