Abdullah Shakroun .. The inventor of the dazzling West and its marginalization of its country Morocco

  • Time:Aug 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Minister Abdul Qadir Amara told me: “I have nothing to offer you..And you must do it yourself..“

35 Invention is the share of the inventor young man Abdullah Shaqroun (in the middle of the image), from scientific productions, which won the admiration of many specialists in science and invention globally and Arably..Where Shaqron's ingenuity did not receive any gesture and no official Moroccan embracing, he said, while western eyes are monitored in order to invest in his inventions, which varied between aircraft engines and military and medical inventions..

يحدثنا شقرون (28 سنة)، ابن مدينة تطوان والعاشق للعلم والاكتشاف، في حوار حصري مع “هسبريس“، عن قصته مع الاختراع، وكيف تكللت مسيرته الدراسية بالفشل في إحدى السنوات، لتنقلب بعدها حياته رأسا على عقب ويختار بذلك طريق النجاح والتميز..This story was crowned with the entry of Abdullah, the world of invention, and it has not yet exceeded the age..Until the external requests to adopt his inventions flock to him.But our young inventor says that he prefers his scientific productions between his two sides so that his homeland exploits them.. الذي يبدو أنه لا يعرف بعد مخترعا طموحا اسمه “عبد الله شقرون“.

Beginning is there an introductory paper for Abdullah Shakroun?

My name is Abdullah Shakroun, born on Tetouan on August 5, 1984, the son of a well -off family among 4 sisters..My grandfather had the great impact on me in education. I, accompanied by my parents, had the good morals of the professor... كانت أسرتي تنعتني بـ“البهلول“ أو الغبي، وكنت أحب التأمل، حتى أني كنت ماهرا في اصطياد الذباب..

I was distinguished by superiority in short distance races during my study period..That I lived out of the third year of preparatory education, where I failed, to be the turning point for me after I was a great shock in my path, and then I wrote my life message to start the march of scientific excellence..

How did the story of the first invention start with you?

The story started indirectly by riding the competition ship and challenge..When my study phases in the Matank Division of Car in Vocational Carry.. اطلعت على نوع جديد من المحركات ولأول مرة في حياتي، والذي اخترعه الألماني “فيليكس وينكل“، وقلت في نفسي: ما الفرق بيني وبينه، هل لأنه ألماني وأنا مغربي..I am better than him because he found problems in his engine..I used my mind and in a better way to develop a new form of engines..

فاتجهت إلى اختراع محرك أكثر تطورا يحل أزمة التكنولوجيا العالمية بالتوفر على محركات اقتصادية، فاخترعت “المحرك الدوار المدور المربع“ Diesel M.R.R.C (photo) that works in diesel, in May of 2002, and I am still studying in my first year of the institute, a engine that combines strength, speed and energy economy..It is used in military aircraft where no sound is heard..

It does not consume a lot of fuel, that is, it is a great economy, and it will come after it a successive family to work with air and water as well...

It is strange that America has been looking for the idea of this engine from 1960 to 1984, and it did not find a way to it..This year is a birth date..

Did you record a patent for your invention?

I recorded the first national patent to invent the engine on August 9, 2004, and I was 20 years old.

وللإشارة، فـ“ المحرك الدوار المدور المربع“ يستطيع أن يعمل في الطائرات العمودية من النوع الصغير والمتوسط وكذا في أنواع أخرى من الطائرات والبواخر بتغيير بعض القواعد الميكانيكية.I was the youngest inventor of this technological size in that year.

After that, I discussed an international organization for the Dutch Black Research in 2005 in order to know the existence of a similar invention in the world, so the response was the absence of the identical counterpart.

ومن تلك الفترة صنفت من بين “المخترعين الدوليين“، وكنت المخترع المغربي الوحيد المصنف دوليا عام 2005، ومن بعد تلك الفترة بدأت العروض تتوافد علي.

Did you get your inventions?

أجل، فقد حصلت على الجائزة الأولى في المهرجان الدولي للإختراع بالدار البيضاء السنة الماضية، وشاركت في برنامج “نجوم العلوم“ بالعاصمة القطرية الدوحة، الذي يشارك فيه الشباب العربي المخترع، إلا أني لم أكمل المسيرة لأن سياسة البرنامج لم تعجبني..

وحزت قبلها على المرتبة الأولى في مسابقة “شالنجر اينوفاسيو“ عام 2008 ، باختراع آخر هو نظام أوتماتيكي لتنظيف الزجاج..

The strange thing is that they said that I cannot in the rest of the competitions, because Morocco does not have the conditions of my inventions..

How many of your invention has reached so far?

Until now I have more than 35, most of them in the military field, and I also have an invention, in addition to that there is an invention that Japan recently confessed to.

عبد الله شقرون.. مُخترع أبهر الغَرب وَهمّشَه مَوْطِنُه المغرب

What is its fate?

All of me, and despite the arrival of very attractive foreign offers, where he received a great response and welcome, I prefer to benefit from it alone alone...

Does this mean that Morocco did not pay attention to you?

ليس هناك التفاتة ولا احتضان بالمرة، لقد مر علي ثلاث وزارء للصناعة والتكنولوجيا، الأولان قالا لي “أخرج إلى الخارج وستجد ما تريد“..And the current last minister, Abdul Qadir Amara, told me, "I have nothing to offer you..And the duty that we would have presented to you from the patent and international research have performed and more..“ وأخبرني أنما يمكن أن يفعله اتجاه اختراعاتي هو تثمينها فقط.

How was your feeling with this response?

أحسست حينها أنني أدور في دائرة مغلقة، لذلك اتجهت إلى التفكير في اختراع شيئ أبسط، وبالفعل نجحت في اختراع جهاز أوتوماتيكي لتنظيف شامل لـ“زجاج العمارات الزجاجية“ وللسيارات والحافلات بدون أي مجهود بشري، ونال ميدالية ذهبية في مسابقة للمخترعين تقنيا وفنيا، وكالعادة، قالوا لي أن الجهاز لا يصلح بالمغرب.

Then I resorted to the war field, where he succeeded in inventing some advanced technology weapons, and the result of this was that Ali, the director of the Al -Khwarizmi International Academy in Tehran, was presented to join the study for free..But I refused..Dr. Zaghloul Al -Najjar also advised me to communicate with the Egyptian armed forces..She refused as well.

What other offers have been given to you abroad?

There are invitations from the United States of America, France and India for the invention of the engine and weapons inventions, as they offered large sums, but by virtue of my messengers I refused..Because I thought that the current strong investments are in the military field, and my country needs these investments from others..Because the knowledge that God has given me honesty, and he will ask me for it..

I tell you that my motor is still in competition with major companies, and it is a former invention of its time..

After all this, what are your ambitions?

من أبرز طموحاتي هو تأسيس شركة “عبد الله موتوز“ والتنسيق مع الجمعيات والمنظمات الطلابية..This company will discover the talents of Moroccan students and students and invest them by giving it a new vision to work and change the idea that the West is the race for everything..We will also exchange experiences between national and Western universities..

I had to the hour of more than 130 lectures in order to motivate students and discover their talents.

This company will also aim to manufacture more renewable engines.

وللإشارة فأنا نسبت تسميتها إلى “عبد الله موتورز“ وليس “شقرون“، لأنها ستكون شركة لكل واحد هو عبد لله..

How do you live your time?What are your most important hobbies?

Frankly, I am always thinking and scrutinizing matters related to my specialty, as I spend my time reading and watching the programs and purposeful meetings..

On the other hand, I do not have hobbies, so all my time devotes it to science and invention, for science is like air and it is difficult to abandon it, such as the lover of his lover...To the extent that I sometimes spend more than 12 hours a day in research and follow up on my thoughts..

What kind of books do you read?

أقرأ كتبا متنوعة، مثل كتب حسن الندوي، خصوصا كتاب “ماذا خسر العالم بانحطاط المسلمين“، وكتب راغب السرجاني وزغلول النجار والمهدي المنجرة وأحمد زويل وعائض القرني.

last word..

يقول الله تعالى “ولا تحسبن الذين كفروا سبقوا، إنهم لا يعجزون“، ويقول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: “الخير فيّ وفي أمتي إلى يوم الدين“.

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