A Wave of Comments Demanding Execution for a Rapist and a Assassin Murderer

  • Time:May 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The killing of a child left Adana by a person, after being subjected to rape, a wave of extreme anger and resentment among the Moroccans. This is the tragic incident that brought with it a demand for the application of the death penalty against the person concerned.

On Friday evening, members of the state department of the judicial police in the city of Tangier were able to arrest a 24-year-old man working in the industrial zone of the city, in order to find out that he was involved in the crime of premeditated murder, accompanied by a minor act.

Preliminary information from the search indicates that the suspect lured the victim to an apartment he was building in the same neighbourhood, followed by a sexual assault followed by the premeditated murder on the same day and the drawing hour, and then immediately buried the body in the vicinity of his residence in a tropics area.

موجة تعليقات تطالب بتطبيق الإعدام في حق مُغتصِب وقاتل عدنان

This case culminated in a wave of numerous comments calling for the death penalty to be applied to the perpetrator. A commentator on the Hespres website said: “The death penalty is likely to be applied against this human beast. I cannot imagine the condition of the child's parents now. ”

In what was written in the name of Mag Maghed Makalam: “Suffice Allah and He is the best Guardian. Personally, I want the castration applied, and then the month after the execution so he can suffer well. I, as a mother, cried for this news, and even if my body up to this moment is shivering, let alone talk about it. O Lord, grant her and her husband patience. We belong to God and to Him we shall return. ”

He wrote the last comment on the incident: “Bedoville and the terrorist should be sentenced to death immediately after the act has been proven, and there is no need for trial or giving a word to them.” This was confirmed by a commentator on behalf of Ahmad, who said: “A news item saddened me a lot. Oh God, help me and inspire his family with patience and solace. I hope that the criminal offender will be sentenced to death in order to deter such criminal acts. ”

A spokeswoman for Mariam on Facebook is of the view that “these criminals have taken the word for granted and have been deprived of their humanity, so they must be dealt with with firmness and cruelty”. She added: “He who violates the innocence of the child must be executed in the most atrocious way in order to deter such people from similar tragedies”.

All comments were made on this heinous crime, which has shaken Moroccan public opinion, with a call for the death penalty, which has not been applied in Morocco for almost three decades, since the sentenced person remains in prison without execution. Some legal associations call for the abolition of this penalty from the Criminal Code, while others call for its retention in order to apply it to serious crimes, including those involving children.

The majority wished to find the child alive, but the discovery of his body constituted a great shock to the Moroccan General [General].