A special show for “Boudy El Domyati” sponsored by Abdel Rahman Hamdi, the most famous sarcastic personality on social media

  • Time:May 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

“Boudy El Domyati” is a character who created a state of fantasy on the pages of social media and trend races, and was able to create an atmosphere of fun and happiness among her followers who are eagerly waiting for the video after the other, especially since “Boudi El Domyati” appears with his mother and fiancée Farfoura in many situations and events and also focused on The difference in cultures and the satirical comedy commentary on some of the behaviors that we face in our daily lives, and the owner of its idea and its implementation is Abdel Rahman Hamdi, who is 25 years old and graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Communications. The ideas of “Boudy Al-Damiati” and the accompanying personalities reveal their secrets in the context of our next dialogue.

Who is the real character of "Boudy Domyati"?

My name is Abdullah Hamdi and I am 25 years old and I graduated from the Faculty of Communications Engineering, but I have been in love with acting since I was almost young when I was in school and I always tried to present topics, situations and comic scenes among my friends, especially since I love comedy very much.

How did you get the idea of ​​introducing the Damietta character?

Because I am from Damietta Governorate, and I love my homeland and my governorate very much, and I am completely proud that I am from this governorate, where the Damietta character has its distinctive dialect and details that attract many viewers, and perhaps this is the distinctive aspect of the videos and make them have a different character than what is presented on the social media and make them in A place of attraction for all fans of Boddy El Domyati.

When did you start making videos?

This work was launched about a year ago and within only 3 months it spread widely on social media, especially as I publish it on many social media platforms simultaneously, and I have millions of followers all over the Arab world.

How is the topic of the episodes and the atmosphere of the videos prepared for each episode?

I present almost an episode every month because making these videos is very expensive, and preparing for them requires a great effort from the beginning of the idea to be presented to the preparation for writing, implementing and directing it, passing through the manufacture of the location for photography and clothing for the characters, and so on, all of these elements require a lot of time and effort as well as the financial aspect to implement them, The subject of preparation is related to the daily or life events that we may encounter during our lives. Whoever watches the videos finds that he has been exposed to part of their events or details, or at least heard about them.

Multiple personalities of different subjects... How can we get to know them?

Of course, the character of Boddy Al-Damiati is considered one of the main characters of all events, accompanied by Frediya or “Farfour” as he calls her, the mother and also the boy, along with “Sayed” his friend and “Hamokasha” his nephew, the Gulf man and a number of characters that he introduced and added each time, as I present in each work Or a new video to expand the base of Boddy's friends, relatives, acquaintances and those who deal with them.

Are you the owner of visualizing the details of Bodhi's personality with his shape, style, mustache, sideburns, and so on?

It is an idea for an American character, but I added the Egyptian "touch", or in a more accurate sense, the damitic touches of the character from the way he appeared, sideburns, and his distinctive mustache to suit the nature of the atmosphere and be close to the viewer, and I began to extend the characters to the neighboring provinces to us, such as Sayed from Sharqiya and Farida from Mansoura, and each province has its own dialect .

عرض خاص لـ «بودي الدمياطي» برعاية عبد الرحمن حمدي صاحب أشهر شخصية ساخرة على السوشيال ميديا

Did social media help you spread and interact with videos?

Certainly, the presence of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms helped in the presence of a large fan base for the spread of the personality of Boddy El Domyati and interaction with her and the rest of the family. However, I prefer to ask and focus more on Facebook because I am not targeting profit, but rather aiming to have fun with my celebrities, audience comments and interaction with The events and characters are what fulfill my true passion and always encourage me to continue with a greater spirit.

Do your audience's comments give you different ideas for the topic of your episodes?

Certainly, dialogue and interaction create new and different ideas and topics, and I usually focus on everything that matters to confront people or young people in particular and present it in a nice comic form that conveys the idea in a video of a few minutes and is not without humor and far from traditional or stereotyped.

What are the most popular and widespread topics among followers?

Perhaps the video of the router and the internet outage, as well as the video of the real estate employee and her son, was one of the most interesting episodes and gained great popularity and interaction from viewers and the return of those videos, and I am happy that the audience interacts with the videos from all over the Arab world, and I did not expect that these videos would reach the world in its spread.

There are many elements in the videos between the mother, father, fiancée and other characters that you present.. How many accompanying staff?

The surprise is that all these eight characters are presented by one person only, despite the diversity and multiplicity of performance, method of delivery and even voice. All of these characters are presented by myself, and I prepare the idea and scenario, and imagine the atmosphere of the location in which I film on my own, and with the help of a friend of mine behind the camera filming only according to the scenario Which I draw on the storyboard or the storyboard after imagining it so that he can implement it and my position during the filming is below the bride and I move the characters manually.

And how much does the episode cost you provide as a monthly comedy meal to your followers?

Each video costs approximately 5 thousand pounds, and I am the one who finances these videos because I am doing a work that I love. I do my best to reach the best state that videos can make of fun and entertainment for my followers.

But do these videos bring you the right financial return?

I do not get a single pound for watching videos from followers, I only present situations, models and events for personalities who live with us and we find them in every home, but in the Damietta way, and even that I was working in a telecommunications company and I spent my salary on these videos just to make people happy and succeed In a field that I loved very much, profit is not my goal as much as making viewers happy.

To what extent has Studies in the field of communications benefited in producing these videos?

In fact, I did not benefit much from my studies in the field of communications, because perhaps the field is somewhat specialized, but my work in the field of advertising allowed me to provide cameras and equipment that I used during filming operations to produce videos.

Why didn't you think of turning it into a TV show along the lines of "Abla Fahita"?

This idea is my own project and the result of efforts for many months, but despite my tendency to work in the field of advertising, I am very happy with the base of millions of followers despite my individual efforts and with the help of a number of friends.