A sharp struggle between the producers of electric cars ... from the biggest winner?

  • Time:Dec 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Chinese -made electric cars are less quality and efficient than their counterpart "Tesla".

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China is the leading country in the manufacture of electric car batteries, as it produces more than the rest of the world..

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Last January, sales of Chinese companies producing cheap electric cars in their markets were twice the sales of Tesla Electric Car Industry Company.Although the Chinese -made electric cars that are marketed under the slogan "People Transfer Tool" are less quality and efficient than their counterpart "Tesla" when it comes to the extent of the battery and its performance, its low price made it available to the minimum layers and youth groups, and also made it one ofThe best clean energy cars in China.Some types of Chinese electric cars are sold at 4,500 dollars, and the types developed and equipped with air conditioners are sold slightly over five thousand dollars, but in a market with a population of about one and a half billion, they will undoubtedly be able to absorb all types of electric cars, including exorbitantThe price produced by Tesla also, and this is reflected in increasing the volume of "Tesla" sales last year, which doubled its sales in China.That comparison between Chinese electric cars and their counterpart from Tesla, reveals a struggle in the field of electric cars production that does not shed light on it much, as attention often focuses on the conflict between cars with traditional internal combustion engines that depend on gasoline or diesel, and between carselectrical.Certainly, there is an intense competition between traditional and electrical cars in which electric cars achieve success after the other at the global level, but this does not negate the existence of a conflict that is no less fierce between the major electric cars producers in the world as well..Of course, the competition between China and "Tesla" is not limited, as Volkswagen plans to outperform all its competitors in electric car sales including "Tesla", China and new players in the Silicon Valley in the United States.The German company, which works 665 thousand workers and employees, and achieves annual revenues amounting to 265 billion dollars, realizes that failure in the field of electric cars production may be the beginning of the end and the gradual and certain exit gate of that industry..There is also the "Renault -Nissan -Mitsubishi" alliance that sells together more than one car in all nine cars around the world, and this alliance has succeeded in developing models of electric cars, so that "Renault -Nissan" ranked second in electric cars sales in halfThe first of last year, where it sold 65,521 cars.Nevertheless, we will find that the high cost of developing electric cars forcing some companies to find partners, and pushes others to adopt a strategy to acquire smaller competitors, and that the need to meet the standards of strict emissions in China and Europe means that the boards of departments and managers pay more attention to government policies.Perhaps electric cars in the minds of Tesla, but "Volkswagen", that German group, which also owns "Porsche", "Bugatti", "Skoda", "Lamborghini" and "Seat" seeks to face the challenge by making a radical transformation in its productive systems, has not beenIt has been preceded since the Second World War, the company, which is one of the main pillars of the German and European economy, is scheduled to spend about 34 billion dollars over the next five years to manufacture an electric or hybrid version of each car in its group, and it also plans to launch 70 new electrical model2028, and by the end of 2030, four of every ten cars will sell them with electricity.For his part, he tells Al -Eqtisadiah Eng. L..B. Aarfi, the British Automobile Producers Consultant, "The comprehensive update is part of the directions of the automotive giant" Volkswagen ", and it tries to fold the page of the diesel emissions scandal, and is currently spent billions of dollars to amend factories from Germany to China to produce electric cars on specific technological basis, and also thatThe company indicated that it will use some of the money that it earns from selling cars that work in fuel, to produce their batteries and build shipping networks..The huge initiatives and investments by "Volkswagen" and their competitors, in addition to the strict steps taken by governments and companies producing to reduce gas emissions, clearly show that there is no return back, and that the electric car industry is the future.Then the question becomes who will be the biggest winner in this race, and can "Tesla" preserve its leadership in the global electric cars race, and whether China plans to become the controller in the electric cars industry even if it is not the largest producers?Legitimate questions looking for satisfactory answers by experts.One of the problems in reaching an accurate answer to those questions and others, that it will not be so reliable on the date to know the winner.This is what John Mac, Vice President of the Foreign Marketing Department at Jacur.He tells Al -Eqtisadiah, “The auto industry has a busy history of failed projects to produce electric cars. In 1996, the American General Motors company produced an electric car, and by 2003 this model was canceled,“ Chevrolet ”also fought the experiment and did not succeed, as it did not.It succeeds in selling large numbers commercially, "Nissan" has also failed in the past in achieving the level of commercial success that it expected to produce it from electric cars, of course failure is not necessarily due to the producing company only, but also to the lack of infrastructure for electricity charging ".Until recently, "Volkswagen" did not have a great reason for caring for electric cars, and instead pump huge investments to make diesel engines more efficient in fuel consumption and less expensive, and it succeeded in that when its competitor exceeded "Toyota".On the reasons for the superiority of "Tesla", the present of its competitors, John Mac indicates that the lack of interest by traditional car makers opened the way to win "Tesla" in the opening rounds of the electric cars..Although the company failed to achieve sales goals in 2020, which it set by half a million cars, it did not move away from its goal, as it sold 499,550 electric cars, and last year he sold the global alliance of "Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors" about 130 thousand electric cars,While the largest car producer in the world occupied the Japanese company Toyota, the tail of the list of electric cars producers, because of its focus on hybrid cars and fuel cell technology, and from zero sales in 2017 he sold a thousand electric cars only last year, while "Volkswagen" sold 26 thousand electric cars in 2020.However, John Mac concludes his comment by saying, "The real competitor of" Tesla "is the Chinese" BYD "company, while Tesla sells 42 electric cars around the world every hour, the Chinese company sells 26 cars.Most experts believe that the auto industry is close to the full turning point, as the comprehensive adoption of the production of electric cars becomes unavoidable, and with the occurrence of the transformation, the current arrangement of the largest producers of electric cars may change.Dr. Shirley Hiloul, a Chinese economy, believes that the electric car industry is one of the areas that China sees an important square to compete with the West.She assures Al -Eqtisadiah that China is the largest car market in the world, the parallel of the American and Japanese markets combined, and emerging Chinese companies may not yet succeed in producing a luxury electric car competing with the products of Tesla, but its competitiveness is growing and will be capable of years and not contracts to outperform their competitorsEspecially "Tesla" is not at the level of the local Chinese market, but at the global level."The nature of the Chinese economy based on the instructions guided, and the government stimulating the auto manufacturers largely to manufacture electric cars on a large scale, and China has an experience in producing electric cars directed towards cheap consumer production, all of which are factors that enhance China's capabilities in producing electric cars, and weakensFrom the ability of "Tesla" to compete in the largest market in the world ".But some believe that the Chinese superiority over competitors will not be due to economic reasons, but rather to purely technical aspects, as China is currently the leading country in the field of manufacturing batteries for electric cars, as it produces much more than the rest of the world combined.Also, Chinese regulations were stipulated in the producers of electric cars working on Chinese lands, whether they were local or international companies, the use of Chinese batteries instead of the products of their Japanese competitors and South Koreans when producing electric cars sold with Chinese benefits, and that forced this multinational companies to purchaseFrom the Chinese CATL company, the main batteries producer in China.China's dominance did not stop at the boundaries of the batteries needed to run electric cars, as it dominates a large part of the world's production of the basic raw materials needed for electric cars, including lithium, cobalt and minerals known as rare ground minerals.This dominance in particular makes experts believe that China - although it did not cut the runs that its competitors in the field of electric cars production - may come out of competition as the biggest winner, after it has become holding a number of the main elements in that industry.But the supporters of "Tesla", including Eng. Ian Fox, an expert in the field of electric cars, comments to "Al -Eqtisadia", saying, "Even with the emergence of many emerging Chinese companies that compete with" Tesla "in the field of electric cars production, the American company Tesla has power elements that are not obligatoryUnderestimating it, as the huge demand for its production gives it a great source of future capital, so that it enables it to accelerate the production of more modern models, and the company's customers have so far prepared to accept the delay in delivery..He adds, "The company also enjoys the widely recognized name in the American and European markets, and a good reputation among young consumers, and Chinese competitors are unknown in the American markets, and even when the demand for their production increases, they will face the challenges of increasing production such as" Tesla ".Engineer Ian Fox is the possibility of "Tesla" or its exit from the competition in the face of the Chinese, even the Germans, or the "Renault -Nissan -Mitsubishi" alliance, and the closest possibility from his point of view an environment in which "Tesla" is the dominance of the market even within the Chinese markets.."Volkswagen" intends to construct six factories for batteries in Europe and expand the infrastructure for charging electric cars globally, to accelerate their efforts to overcome "Tesla", and to encourage the use of battery -run cars.According to "Reuters", the second largest car maker in the world said yesterday, "It aims to reach six factories producing batteries cells in Europe by 2030, which will be built on its own or with partners."."Volkswagen" is a radical shift towards the cars operating in the batteries.The CEO of Herbert Des said, during an occasion for the company..B, Enlil and Cerbololia "our transformation will be fast, unprecedented", and continued, "The electrical transmission has become a pivotal activity for us," but "Volkswagen" did not reveal the cost of the plan..The company was not enthusiastic about turning towards electricity until it was approved in 2015 to cheat in diesel emissions tests in the United States and had to deal with a new Chinese system that defines stakes for electric cars."Volkswagen" is currently one of the most ambitious programs in the sector."The total production capacity of European factories will reach 240 GB per hour annually," she said, adding that "the first factory will enter the service in 2023 and it will be in conjunction with the Swedish" Northfolt ", and it will be followed by a factory in the German city of Saltgter in 2025, then factories in Spain, France and PortugalIn 2026, located in Poland, Slovakia or the Czech Republic by 2027.Two other factories will be established by 2030 ".While the financial plans for "Volkswagen" include the first two manufacturers, the group is conducting "deep discussions" on ways to integrate the following factories within their financial goals, according to Thomas Shamoul, a member of the company's board of directors..He added that if "Volkswagen" needs to enhance its presence in the production of batteries, the company will be able to bear the cost..The Volkswagen Group, the largest European automobile manufacturer, in cooperation with energy companies, intends to create a European Rapid Charging Network for Electrical Cars..The group announced yesterday that it is expected to install about 18 thousand rapid charging points by 2025, noting that this number is equivalent to about a third of the total expected demand from these points in the European continent in that period."Volkswagen" in Germany also intends to cooperate with the ARAL fuel stations, owned by the British BP Petroleum Group "BP", and there are other energy companies that will cooperate with "Volkswagen", which is the Spanish and Italian Eberola and Enell,.Volkswagen, in cooperation with "BB", seeks to install about eight thousand rapid charging points, and the German company explained that the fast charging points with a shipping capacity of 150 kW will be established in four thousand fuel stations belonging to "BP" and "Aral",And a large part of these stations in Germany and Britain.For his part, Thomas North, the director responsible for technology in "Volkswagen", said, "The high -speed charging is the central conqueror of the doors in front of electrical miles.".In a related context, Emma Dylani, director of "B", said, "We can together provide car drivers in Europe, quick and reliable solutions, to facilitate them to switch to owning an electric car.".Araral stated that it is possible for the shipping stations with a capacity of more than 150 kW..


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