A modern rape crime leads to the arrest of a British man who raped a woman six years ago

  • Time:Jun 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A British court sentenced a man who raped a woman after carrying her to a isolated place before attacking her and telling her that he had HIV. AIDS.

The victim, 24, was looking for a taxi, on foot, downtown Leeds, when Austin Osaynde targeted it in August 2015.

The police released the video recorded by the surveillance cameras of the attack, but they could only catch the perpetrator last year when he assaulted another woman.

The Leeds Court, Osaynde, 40, who lives on Syson's Street in Leeds, convicted of sexual abuse and rape, and has been sentenced to life imprisonment for a period of 16 years.

The judge, Osaynde,, was described as pronounced as "sexually violent and dangerous for women."

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The victim, who spoke directly to the perpetrator in the court, said that she suffered from "excessive drink, self -harm, and suicide attempts" after the accident.

She added that what he said to her after rape, when he "laughed and said he had AIDS, was mentally and physically horrific."

And she continued: "I have been severely pain throughout those years, and I will never be able to overcome the torture that I practiced against me. Whatever the treatment I was subjected to, he will not be able to erase this from my memory."

Addressing Osaynde, she said: "You have gone out of the night and have intentions to destroy the lives of one of them, and that was my life."

The victim told the judge, while remembering what happened on the night of her sexual assault, that she remembers that everything she wanted at the time was to "go to sleep" when Osaynde approached her while she was walking in search of a taxi on Kirkgitt Street in the early hours of August 14/August 2015.

Her statements were completed before the court, confirming that the perpetrator carried her in his arms to a secluded entrance near Mark Line Street, where he placed her and "registered" and then raped her, according to the case papers.

She recounted that she was screaming to escape her, but he told her that "it will not take long."

The court stated that he left her after that, "and then he told her that he had AIDS.

The investigation authorities obtained the perpetrator's DNA, from the victim after the accident, but the rape case remained open without identifying the rapist until he sexually assaulted another woman in her home last year.

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At that time, Osaynde was working as a delivery driver for Hermes, and he got acquainted with his new victim through the requests he delivered to her home.

The court said that on the day of the sexual assault on the second woman, September 10, 2021, the perpetrator handed over a postal expense to the victim and told her that he would "return later to have coffee with her."

"Emotionally broken"

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Indeed, the perpetrator returned that day, and the parties to the conversation with the victim were attracted before he sexually assaulted them, according to the case papers.

The prosecutor, Christine Egonon, said the victim tried to push him away from her, but he was larger than her, and that was not possible. "

At that time, the police linked the perpetrator in this incident and the rape incident that occurred in 2015, Osaynde.

A victim of that incident said that she had "emotionally crashed" as a result of that ordeal.

She added: "I am not sure whether I could call anyone emotionally or physically, and the worst is that I hate myself because of this foolish choice."

In an attempt to alleviate the situation, Robert Mashri, the lawyer of the perpetrator, said: "Osaynde wants to express his great regret for committing the two attackers."

He added: "There is no explanation for what (Osaynde) did, but he admitted that what he did is very big."

During the judgment, Judge Gay Curl said: "You are a danger to women, whether those who know them or the temptations about you when you are unique to them and impose yourself on them."

He added: "This danger has continued for at least six years, and there is no reason to expect that it will not continue."

The judge said that Osaynde will spend at least nine years and six months in prison before he became eligible for a conditional release, and his release will remain conditional for life.

Police chief, Pat Tuigueh, said that Osaynde "is an absolute embodiment of the dangerous sexual assistant."

He added that his "horrific actions" caused a shock to his victims, suggesting that there is more of them, and he urged them to rush to inform the police.