A happy ending to the Syrian kidnapping incident.... The hidden charisms of As-Suwayda ... and Firas Ibrahim opposing keywords

  • Time:Apr 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Syrian regime achieved a crushing victory in the case of the kidnapping of the Syrian child Fawaz Qetaifan in the Syrian Daraa, the issue that was of great concern to the media and social networking sites in the recent period. The incident is not unique in the context of the ongoing war, although it was horrific and catastrophic, but this time it was invested to the fullest extent possible by the regime's apparatus. It is first, and like any horrific incident in the country, that it must frighten the Syrians and make them feel the need for the "state", even if it looms. Suspicion that the latter is the same behind the accident, as a result, people want safety. Second, the police, the security apparatus, and the official media were able to be the liberating hero, just as it happens in the Hollywood movie, where the final victory of the state, its tyranny, and its laws (this was achieved even before the father of the victim saluted the master of the homeland). Third; It is difficult for a follower of the event not to remember that the explosion of the revolution in Syria in March of 2011 began in Daraa, following the arrest of a group of children who wrote anti-regime slogans. Fourth (and it seems that every Syrian event has lessons that will not be exhausted) the regime’s media was keen to ask one of the child’s family parties, to say that no one represents the child’s clan, neither at home nor abroad, and perhaps it was a message addressed to the opposition actor Abdul Hakim Qetifan, who appeared in more than one video He made more than one statement on the kidnapping case. The star actor remains a tough figure, and it still means something to the systems.

For those of us who believe that the regime has all along kidnapped, arrested, tortured and killed children, from Daraa to others, it would not be strange for us to add one to its crimes, even if this time ends with a happy ending, and this is not in its nature. At least, it's part of his responsibility.

نهاية سعيدة لحادثة اختطاف سورية …. كاريزمات السويداء المطمورة … وفراس إبراهيم معارضاً كلمات مفتاحية

charisma buried

At the level of appearance, the eye cannot mistake any video of the recent demonstrations in the Syrian city of As-Suwayda (south), the dress immediately refers to the members of the Almohad sect, and the Druze banners are not hidden, with the total absence of the flag of the Syrian revolution, as well as the flag of the regime. Note that some preachers indicated that they do not raise the flag because of religious fanaticism, but only because the leader of the Syrian revolution, Sultan Pasha al-Atrash, raised this flag during the revolution against the French.

The banner of religion above the heads is not hidden, then, and it may be just a tension of the nerves, a mobilization of energies and a rise in the level of adrenaline, because the content of the speeches here and there does not indicate any kind of nervousness at all. There is a commitment to a semi-constant discourse, the civil state, justice, dignity. Bread and living items always come next. The performer of the speeches was confirming a single sign that dominated the scene: “Here is As-Suwayda, here is Syria.” You can also pay attention to the feature that most of the videos carried; Most of the speakers, mostly young people, were brilliant orators, balanced logic, remarkable personal charisma, and great eagerness to address the general Syrian people and their various cities and sects to emphasize one affiliation. The videos reveal personal charisma that was buried like everything else because of the tyranny of the horrible regime. It is clear that it is not easy to silence them, and to convince them of what a tenth century could not.

Firas Ibrahim in opposition

The Syrian actor, Firas Ibrahim, laid out the features of his theory regarding the “National Exhibitions.” On the “Show the Story” program with Rabaa al-Zayyat, he differentiated between the “Tabal Artist” and the “National Exhibition Artist”, as the latter is the one who talks about corruption, electricity, and hospitals. The artist is the voice of the people. He is the one who can tell governments or regimes that you are wrong. This is the artist, not the artist who stands in front of the camera to say the sentence he memorized in front of people. He attends festivals and receives honors.

At the end of the interview, his host wanted to confirm what she had heard: “I think you classified yourself as a patriotic opponent.” Here was his chance to confirm the main feature of the theory, which seems to intercede for him when calculating: “I am in Syria. TRUE. I am writing to tell the official what we need to get used to this situation. And the Stone Age does not suit me.” We do not know exactly who the artist means when he says that he is the voice of the people. If “people” means Syrians, he must realize that these have become, at least, two halves. He demands, for example, the release of his fellow actors Zaki Cordello and his son Mehyar, and others from the thousands of detainees, kidnapped and disappeared? Did he hear the cry of the family of Doctor Rania Al Abbasi, who has been detained with her children for nine years?

Palestinian-Syrian writer