A guardian angel in the form of transformations.

  • Time:May 31
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Leave, the cemetery on the walls

On the day my cat died because of one of the winter viruses, I had to move from the house and then live with one of my friends, because the shadow of death was hanging over everything at home.It was difficult to say that the reason for my transition is a cat.

I used to live alone, and my life was with unity deep, old and extended, its depth is my upbringing of cats, then I no longer felt that I need to communicate with people, and he made me drown in the unit more, I familiarize it up with it, and I love it greatly.

One of my cat was black, and I had difficulty at first knowing her gender, we called Hadi, then Hadia, then my family kept moving between the two names for her calls, when I was taking her with me to spend time with them.

I remember that I had a discussion once about gender with my mother because of her, and I wrote an article about gender as well because of her, as she was, unintentionally, enlightened me, and promoted me spiritually, without uttering a letter.Just sitting in one of the remote corners, and then when she fell ill quiet, without noticing only a few days later, and then her tragic death, which caused a lighter from the house lost without a destination, forgotten fire on food I prepared for her, which caused the burning of part of the house,The neighbors gathered, and the atmosphere sits in the neighborhood, because Hadia died.

Although the other cat died after a harsh several days, during which I sat down, I looked at her, and I desperately try to make her survive, then, I am also desperate to die.

Both my cat died quickly when I went out of the room, despite my attachment to them, but they were prejudicing life so that they would not die in front of my eyes, and I would like to think they meant that.

My upbringing returns to the cats to the years of the first university, when we were still living in Saudi Arabia, and I was then suffering from severe depression, during which I lost my ability to communicate and live, when one of my friends gave me two cats, and then, I felt that someone opened a window in my dark life.

As a person who tends to unity and does not know how to communicate real with people, how to complain about them, get angry with them, and cry in front of them ... He represented my communication with other beings as a port of origin to him, after hard sailing.I enter the empty house, so I find two small cats in my grammatical Ramadan, you truly understand me, and I feel that I am also a "big cat" and I can start with level as well.

After moving to live with my girlfriend, I wanted to break my habit of fog on the loneliness, and start living with people, even if I feel more comfortable in my cats.

I used to call my mother from time to time, and you will find me still sad and painful for the death of my cat, and she said to me jokingly: “I will bring you a black cat other.She desires my sympathy, I just laugh without following something else.

For a while, I went to work in a training period as an assistant director, who wanted me to break silence and loneliness, and to get out of my blacksmith on my cat, and to run away from my life because I lived a harsh year, as a result of my preoccupation with one of the issues that I raised against one of the motivators of the cultural milieu, and thoughThat many people were sharing their solidarity, but I was very unit, I went from time to time for investigations in the prosecution, completely alone, and after many hours of crying, and the panic attacks that were surprising me in the street sometimes, I used to go home, so I embraced my cat, and then sleepquietly.

Therefore, I represented a deep rift, and I wanted at the time to surround myself with people, because the unit that I was wrapped was unparalleled.

During one of the days of filming, a pregnant apricot cat came, and I walked to me among more than two hundred people present at the place, then sat in my stone and quietly slept.

The place was full of dogs, so this cat was hiding most of the time, but it decided to go out one day to sit in my stone.

I did not know what happened next, but I found it in my house, and as soon as I entered it, I started wandering with great happiness, then I started taking care of her because she was very sick, and my obligation for her occupied me a little bit of what I was in my life.

I called it Luza, a normal name is called the apricot cats most of the time, and I do not know what the secret makes the owners of the cats call the apricot: apricot, and the female: Luza.But when I entered my life, and I automatically named it with this name, I felt that the cats came with their names.

On 31-3 I gave birth to Luza five cats, she stayed up with her overnight, and she had a cat behind another, but what made me marvel at me, and although she was apricot, she gave birth to four black cats out of five.

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My mother called that day, I told her that Luza gave birth to four black cats, and that there is no longer a need to send me a black cat instead of Hadia.

After Louza finished the birth, I wore my clothes and went to the Abdin Court, where she was looking at me to pronounce the ruling on the case that exhausted me for a whole year, regardless of the details of that day, and the circumstances of the case in which he ruled the innocence, the absence of lawyers and other things that I wrote in advance, other thanThat day may be the worst day I witnessed in my life, then I went back to the house, surrounded by loneliness, sadness and disappointment, and she grew for days accompanied by Luza and her children: many black cats around me.

For two months after that day, I did nothing other than me, Blousa, who passed on it during the depression and stopped eating, she refused to breastfeed her children and was afraid of me.I worked on her music.I was playing music for anxious cats, and immediately I improved Luza's psyche, she returned to her children and came to sleep near me.

After many months we lived together, Luza one day decided to leave the house, and whenever she tried to return her, she would leave him again.But she saw me on the street from time to time, so she joined me, and she ascended with me to the seventh floor: I ascend the elevators as she climbed the stairs, so I find it in front of the door, and he brought her food, so she eats and then returns to the street again.

Sometimes I used to hear her voice in front of the door, so I opened her, to find another cat, and she just wanted to see him, so I told her if he loved him or not.And it remained so, whenever you ratify a cat you come to the house to see it, then they fell the stairs together again.

With the fall of the fall, I started depression as usual in every fall, in addition to that I had not recovered from the consequences of the case, so I wanted to do what I usually do, is to move from the house, to go away, to start again elsewhere.

I chose a remote place on the outskirts of Cairo, away from everything I know, in desire to escape or escape, or asking for calm.But a few days ago, I started asking myself: Do I take Louza with me?And I wanted one sign that tells me what to do, until I passed once next to a chicken store, and its owner referred to Luza as if I did not know it, and told me that this cat dominates the area, and that it comes every day to him to eat.

Then she looked at Luza and her owners around her from cats, and I felt that it was unfair to take her away from her life, and put her with me away, in the desert.

She left a backward loser, but she hoped to become happy with her life that she chose, with the cat that she had ratified and I saw him walking behind her everywhere, she came to me when she was sick and I was suffering, to save her and save me, and we would now go on his way.

I moved from my house, and from time to time Luza came to me, so I went to visit her two months after the move.I had fears that she had forgotten me, two months of cat's life, not something easy.

I entered the street in which I know is present, I looked for her with my eyes, then I said to try, I called for her name as I was doing in advance, I said: Luza.It was not a few seconds until a cat came out from under one of the cars, speeding up to turn around my feet and start hugging me.

At that moment, I cried a lot, Louza still remembers me!I started repeating: They always say that the cats forget their owners, but Luza still remembers me and even remember their name!

One of the gates in the area saw me and told me that this cat gave birth to a while ago, and that he took care of it and its children. I said: You know that it has a name?Then I intended to tell him: her name is Luza.And after we regret the name, I regretted it, because I felt that everyone in the street would start with her reinforcement, and she will go to them, because she knows her name, and this thin thread that did not collect Louza will disappear with anyone else, I was the only person who knew, the only person who advocates it, whoHe chose a name for her, which she rushed as soon as he called her.

The gatekeeper opened the door of the architecture, and pointed to a small and far -class group, and I stood in the middle between me and her children.

I cried a lot on that day, when she thought that she had hesitated for a while to walk behind me or stay with her children, that she virtually passed between us, that she was at least, and I said: I will always remain the only man that Luza knows, the only link between her life and the human world.

A woman in forty turns into a fish

About the past, the intuitive and the primitive ... Shawky Abdel Amir

You hear me talking and imagine me while I am having sex


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