A burglar warns homeowners not to make this mistake

  • Time:Mar 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Tell me - Many homeowners may think that they have mastered protecting their homes from theft, by locking doors and windows, and not leaving any valuables within reach. However, thieves may find some loopholes that the owner of the house may not notice and that may make his house an easy prey for them.

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According to British security expert Michael Fraser, who was a thief in the past, locking doors and windows does not necessarily mean that a home is immune to theft. In an interview with a British television station, Fraser gave some tips to enhance the protection of the house from theft.

Freese advises not to leave a calendar containing holidays and vacations near the window, because thieves who stalk the house may know when the family is away from the house on holidays, and they raid the house while the owners are away.

In addition to the above, Fraser advises tightly closing the two main door locks, to enhance the protection of the house from theft, because some professional thieves know very well how to open the door if it is locked with only one lock.

Fraser stressed the need to enhance the factors of protecting the house from theft by installing surveillance cameras, especially at the main door, in addition to searching for applications on the smartphone that can be linked to surveillance cameras, to notify the homeowner while he is abroad in the event his house is robbed, according to what was reported in the newspaper. British Mirror Online.