7 moving pictures with a young man's lens that reflects the harsh harassment ... restrictions, black clothes and tears

  • Time:Jan 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

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With black clothes, oppressed features, sorrow -filled eyes, and separate bruises throughout the face, a photocopy simulation was held for one of the biggest tragic problems that each female is exposed to, regardless of her social class and the nature of her clothes, as the lens of the young photographer Mahmoud Tantawi reflected the size of the suffering she suffers fromGirls and women, Ling in footage influencing the idea of his initiative "No to harassment".

The photography session of the "No Movement" initiative

Mahmoud tells "here", the scenes of the photo session, and the reason for his choice is the issue of harassment, explaining that the idea came to his mind, when he noticed the increase in harassment cases: "I wanted to deliver the message in a visible way that draws attention.".

 7 صور مؤثرة بعدسة شاب تعكس قسوة التحرش.. قيود وملابس سوداء ودموع

Mahmoud, with Nourhan Awad, the heroine of the Fotosation, agreed to fight the harassment, to embody the pictures of the victims closer to realism, using simple touches of makeup, to communicate the idea, as if it is real, in addition to preparing the look of other girls..

The veil does not prevent the attack

Tantawi, considering the details of the photo session, continued for nearly 4 months, during which he focused on the accuracy of the details, such as linking the girls to a yellow tape, a metaphor for being always restricted and afraid of society: “The tape connects the idea that the girl is always formed restricted, because we are an oriental society, and the girl is afraid to speak, And it is a defect and a disgrace ».

The pictures appeared in the pictures, wearing the veil and veil, along with two without a headscarf: “I deliberately appeared in the veil and veil, so that I could reach that the harasser did not differentiate between his victims, whether it is a veiled girl or not».

Experiences the secret of sincerity of feelings

During the photo session, Nourhan was thinking about bad facts she faced in the past, to evoke a feeling of oppression, so that the feeling and tears were real, and her friends helped her to communicate the idea, with the ingenuity that appeared in the pictures.

The photos impressed the pioneers of social networking sites, as most of the comments came positive, expressing the extent of their fascination with the accuracy of the details to communicate the idea of the initiative, which "Tantawi" adopted with the utmost simplicity.

It is noteworthy that Mahmoud Tantawi, born in 2002, in the city of Port Fouad in Port Said Governorate, was passionate about art from his early nails, but the preferred to photograph from acting and other hobbies, and he wanted to have his various touches, by choosing important issues and trying to highlight negatives or positives through pictures,He acquired the first camera in 2018, and currently works in the field of fashion and beauty, and his image is always liked by the pioneers of social media.