59 days to boycott the courts... Warning of an explosion inside prisons

  • Time:Jan 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ramallah - “4” dot com - The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs warned today, Monday, of an explosion in the conditions inside the occupation prisons due to the measures and methods of repression that the occupation forces follow against the prisoners.

Hassan Abd Rabbo, the authority's spokesman, said in statements to the "Voice of Palestine" radio station, that there is a state of turmoil prevailing in all the occupation prisons in light of the continuous barbaric practices against the prisoners.

Abd Rabbo indicated that yesterday, the Israeli forces of repression stormed several times the rooms of prisoners in several prisons, including Nafha, Rimon, and Megiddo.

He added, "All indications point to an upcoming explosion inside the occupation prisons, and getting closer and closer to a comprehensive confrontation, and more escalation in light of the continued attacks by the prison administration to break the prisoner movement."

The spokesman for the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs stated that these repressive methods prompted the prisoners to confront this aggression by announcing tomorrow, Tuesday, a day of rage in all prisons and outside them.

59 days to boycott the courts...warning From an explosion inside the prisons

About 500 administrative prisoners continue their boycott of the Israeli occupation courts, for the 59th day in a row, as part of their confrontation with the policy of administrative detention.

In early January, the administrative prisoners took a unanimous position represented in announcing a comprehensive and final boycott of all judicial procedures related to administrative detention (judicial review, appeal, and supreme).

Sick administrative prisoners in “Ofer” prison, for nearly a week, continue to boycott the prison clinic, and refuse to undergo medical examinations and treatments, rejecting their administrative detention, and demanding their immediate release.

The captive movement affirmed its full support for the administrative prisoners' decision to completely boycott the military courts, calling on all administrative prisoners in the various detention centers to fully adhere to this step, and to be patient and long-suffering, in order to achieve the desired goals by abolishing the policy of administrative detention.

Administrative detention is detention without charge or trial, and without allowing the detainee or his lawyer to inspect the evidence materials, in clear and explicit violation of the provisions of international humanitarian law, so that Israel is the only party in the world that practices this policy.

The occupation authorities and prison administrations claim that the administrative detainees have secret files that cannot be disclosed at all, as the detainee does not know the length of his sentence or the charge against him.

Source: Al-Quds.com - Wafa - Agencies