3500 thousand Saudi riyals is the cheapest types of cars used in Saudi Arabia

  • Time:Oct 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The cheapest types of used cars, many people are looking for a used car to buy at an affordable price and they can find many options for used cars in the cars of cars in the Saudi market, and the most like is the good used cars DMC 2008 model, the Mercedes E 300 Model 1989 and the Chevrolet Cruise Cruise 2012 model.

The cheapest types of used cars

Mercedes E 300

Chevrolet Optra 2010

Chevrolet Optra 2010

Chevrolet Caprice 2006

شاركFacebookMessengerWhatsAppTwitterنسخ الرابط الوسومThe cheapest types of used carsChevrolet Optra 2010Chevrolet Caprice 2006Mercedes E 300


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3500 الف ريال سعودى The cheapest types of used cars في السعودية