30.91 billion dollars in the global supply chain management market by 2026

  • Time:Aug 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

"ISIS technology has a revolution in the whole world has created a revolution in the whole world.It has acquired all industries and has proven that it is indispensable in various jobs, according to the "Fortune Business Insights" report, the value of the Internet of Things market will reach 1463.19 billion US dollars by 2027, with a 24th annual growth rate showing 24.9% during the expectation period.The Internet of Things plays an important technical role in making the supply chain ».

She added: «It is expected that the supply chain industry will gain the required administrative developments, by adding the Internet of Things capabilities to the infrastructure of information technology.In addition, the Korona's pandemic, which afflicted international companies with paralysis, and forced the institutions to rethink their business models also affirmed the need to adopt technology ».

Focusing on the logistical services industry, we know that the complications that this industry involves from start to end is very high.Therefore, there is a continuous need for development and upgrading the level of growing global requests on logistics and the supply chain.In fact, the size of the global supply chain management market was estimated at 15.58 billion US dollars in 2020.

It is expected to reach 17.41 billion US dollars by the end of 2021, with an annual growth rate of 12.09% from 2020 to 2026, to reach 30.91 billion US dollars by 2026.

Dr. Sherine indicated that to overcome challenges such as lack of vision, managing the risks of the ineffective supply chain, mismanagement management, slow delivery times and ineffective dealing with inventory, and other things, the Internet of Things has proven to be the desired and optimal solution.When applied to the global supply chain, the Internet of Things technology can help companies serve their customers better and more efficient while providing corporate funds and improving general efficiency.

She added: The total market value of the Internet of Things is expected to reach more than 1 trillion US dollars by 2022, and the logistics industry is expected to be able to provide the Internet of Things capabilities on a large scale..However, the Internet of Things still has a revolution in the supply chain operations.

D..Nassar to some examples of Internet of Things applications in the field of logistical services and the supply chain, including:

Shipping Monitoring:

She said: «tracking and monitoring techniques is one of the most important elements listed in managing the supply chain.This technology can help institutions ensure the collection, storage, shipment and delivery of the product appropriately.Control of the shipment also provides a reinforced transparency between the supplier and the logistical solution provider and the customer.The technologies that are enabled the global GPS, and the temperature sensors with shipping can be connected to help track its location and condition.

The data collected via the gates is transferred to a platform, where fleet operators and shippingmen can monitor and manage shipments, and as a result, they get a full vision of their transportation operations, allowing them to make quick and smart decisions to improve their supply chain efficiency, and ensure deliveryProducts in time.In addition, solutions that help monitor shipments can also be useful during supply chain disorders, which can occur due to unexpected conditions ».

Inventory Management

Dr..شيرين: إن «Inventory Management تعد جانباً هاماً من جوانب إدارة سلسلة التوريد.The retaining of stock and its management is also a tremendous task for any logistical organization. مع إدخال إنترنت الأشياء في Inventory Management، أصبح الآن متقدماً تقنياً ويدعم القطاع بشكل إيجابي.

30.91 مليار دولار سوق إدارة سلسلة التوريد العالمية بحلول 2026

في الواقع، وجد تقرير صادر عن معهد ماكينزي العالمي أن المساهمات المحتملة لإنترنت الأشياء في Inventory Management وإدارة سلسلة التوريد والخدمات اللوجستيةJمكن أن تصل إلى ما بين 560 مليار دولار أمريكي و850 مليار دولار أمريكي سنوياً بحلول عام 2025. في Inventory Management، المنتجات المربوطة أو الموصولة بأجهزة إنترنت الأشياء توفير تخزين وتتبع فعالين.

Radio frequency determination systems can be essential in making the inventory lists more flexible by preventing the need to wipe traditional tapes or stickers, instead of the vision only through the tape code numbers, companies can track their stock and the supply chain appropriately in the actual time ».

Fleet management

D..شيرين إلى أنه «يمكن لإنترنت الأشياء أن تلعب دوراً مهماً في Fleet management والمركبات حيثJسمح إنترنت الأشياء في Fleet management لمشغلي الأساطيل بأتمتة العمليات المختلفة وتخطيط الرحلات.The supply chain industry depends on many movement mechanisms, from cranes and connecting trucks to spiny cranes.Vehicles equipped with sensors send mechanical signals and early warning alerts, when the surveillance parts need maintenance or on the verge of collapse.

Connecting these used machines frequently with sensors, which collect and automatically provide health and safety data for machines, can help companies avoid damage, performance problems and sudden uncomfortable faults.The Internet of Things sensors can also follow the driver's behavior, places of existence, movements, and fuel efficiency in actual time.

In addition, slow delivery compounds negatively affect the environment, through the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.These vehicles that support the Internet of Things can alert institutions to take quick measures, to reduce and eliminate such behaviors ».

Delivery of the last mile

She said: «It can impose a mechanism and the delivery method of material costs and burdens on supply chain suppliers, which requires more attention and can be vulnerable to mistakes.With the Internet of Things, delivery can be improved at the last mile on a large scale.In addition, the delivery of products in the last mile plays an important role in satisfying customers.

The best delivery experience can be an incentive for customers to continue the request from the same resource.The Internet of Things supports the basic aspects of delivery in the last mile, such as tracking delivery employees through GPS and ensuring delivery at the specified date..

In addition, it helps to monitor delivery methods and provides a vision on traffic problems and other delivery problems.The Internet of Things also helps in tracking and monitoring a remote with connected sensors that can play a major role in promoting the experience of delivering the last tilt ».

Referring to the challenges facing the Internet of Things, I stated Dr..Sherine that «the benefits of the Internet of Things come with other challenges that hinder their implementation on a large scale.One of the main reasons for the slow adoption of the Internet of Things is a lack of understanding and trust in value, which the Internet of Things can provide to companies.In addition, Internet of Things applications generate security risks with a large number of devices connected to different networks.J

The lack of the adoption of the Internet of Things with a lack of awareness and understanding of the risks, which these devices may constitute, and the complexity of the management aspects of cybersecurity.Jضاعف الحجم الإجمالي لإنترنت الأشياء من المخاطر، التي تشكلها هذه الأجهزة؛ توقعت جارتنر أنه سيكون هناك 25 مليار جهاز متصل بحلول عام 2021.Jمكن أن تلعب حلول الذكاء الاصطناعي دوراً مهماً في التغلب على العديد من مخاوف الأمن السيبراني لإنترنت الأشياء للتغلب على هذا التحدي».

She added: «The Internet of Things works to change and develop the supply chain industry industry.The Internet of Things greatly affected the sector by automating operations and sustainable and effective solutions in terms of cost and will continue to do so positively.With the strong expansion of industry over the years, technological developments not only support its growth, but also make it more efficient and sustainable ».

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