3 years on reopening it .. Learn the story of "The Bab Al -Rahma Speaker" over 1300 years

  • Time:Jun 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Occupied Jerusalem - 3 years ago, specifically on February 22, 2019, thousands of Palestinians prayed on Friday in the vicinity of the Bab Al -Rahma chapel east of Al -Aqsa Mosque, and then they managed to open the closed chapel 16 years ago while it was known for the gift of Bab Al -Rahma, which mediated temporally the gift of electronic gates."The year 2017, the gift of the 28th of Ramadan in 2021, which failed to storm the settlers of the mosque.

The story of the chapel over 1300 years

The Umayyads built the door of mercy about 1300 years ago to be a common door between the wall of Jerusalem and the eastern Al -Aqsa Mosque, and the chapel of the Bab Al -Rahma, which consists of the door of "repentance" and "mercy", which leads to a large, acceptable hall carried by marble columns.

The chapel remained open until the Abbasid era, then the Franks occupied it and opened it during the days of Easter, and sanctified it, as it was the door from which Christ, peace and blessings be upon him, entered.

After the liberation of Jerusalem, Commander Salah al -Din al -Ayyubi closed the door - for security purposes - and turned the chapel into a place for prayer, until the Mamluk and Ottoman periods, where Imam Abi Hamid al -Ghazali observed it and wrote his book "Reviving the Sciences of Religion", and was active in which the Sufis was active.

The worshiper was reversed and its use was less during the British occupation era due to the restrictions on the worshipers, and despite that, it remained open to the Jordanian era, and then it was completely neglected after the Israeli occupation of the Al -Aqsa Mosque in 1967.

But in 1992 he witnessed a remarkable recovery that lasted 11 years, after the Islamic Heritage Committee has taken it as its headquarters and activated religious and social events, until the occupation banned in early 2003, and this was taken as an excuse to close the chapel completely.


Since then, the Bab Al -Rahma chapel has not opened to the worshipers, but it was used as halls to hold the Al -Aqsa Sharia Schools exams, until the witness came in mid -February 2019, where the occupation closed the iron gate leading to a stone staircase that connects to the Bab Al -Rahma chapel, and justified this with a contractIslamic Endowments are a meeting inside the chapel, and here a few Jerusalemites gathered and took off the gate lock and then the entire gate.

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The events followed after that, and the numbers of worshipers from Jerusalem and the Palestinian interior who performed collective prayers in the vicinity of the chapel, and clashed with the occupation forces on the night of the 19th of the same month to hit and arrest dozens of them.

The intense sit -in that lasted for a few days culminated in a Friday prayer, her mother, thousands who rushed after the prayer towards the door of the chapel, and forcibly opened them with some Jerusalem religious references, and the takbeers and chants were shouted for the first time in 16 years inside the chapel.

Continuous narrowing

One day after the worshiper opened, the occupation police have been arrested by any person who opens the chapel door of mercy in the early morning, as it started arresting the guards of the Al -Aqsa Mosque who opened it, and deported them for a period ranging between 4 and 6 monthsFor about 6 months, it was included in the storming of the police officers and officers of the shoe, arresting the worshipers from inside and restricting them, and preventing the entry of the supplies of the chapel.

It was never restored

Over the course of 3 years until today, the occupation police personnel continued to enter the furnished chapel with their shoes, and the police installed a monitoring focus over it, and another next to it around the clock.The director of the Al -Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Omar Al -Kiswani, confirms that the occupation has not allowed the restoration of the chapel from its opening until today, and that it is an urgent need for internal and external restoration, where rain water leaks from it in every winter, double the humidity and the harmful worshipers.

Al -Kiswani, in his interview with Al -Jazeera Net, indicates that the chapel also needs to be maintained by the electricity network, correcting lighting and removing the cables extended throughout it, as well as the creation of water channels in the vicinityFrom it to a decline in the tiles and the level of soil.

An integral part of Al -Aqsa

In addition to obstructing the entry of restoration materials to the Al -Aqsa Mosque, the Israeli occupation controls the restoration scheme, and for example, the chapel is completely closed during its restoration, which is rejected by the Islamic Endowments Department, according to Al -Kiswani, who says, "We are in the Islamic Endowments Department, we do not recognize the decisions of the occupation, nor are we subjectFor its conditions, we do what suits us, and the endowment engineers are skilled and know their work, and the chapel of the mercy of mercy is an integral part of the blessed Al -Aqsa.

He adds that the Islamic endowments have brought a carpet to the chapel since its conquest, and the Al -Aqsa Sodah and his guards pledged to clean and guard over the five prayers, but he was not unique to him.

Al -Kiswani explains that the endowments are unique to the imams of the chapel of the dome of the rock and the tribal only.It is noteworthy that the worshipers volunteer to the Imamate among themselves to reconstruct the chapel and mobilize numbers in it.

Disturbed by shoe shelves

Hanadi Al -Halawani is a Jerusalem school and one of those who have been repeatedly arrested and deported against the background of her visit to the Bab Al -Rahma chapel.Al -Halawani tells Al -Jazeera Net that the occupation targets the pioneers of the chapel with deportation and threats, and searches their bags, preventing the insertion of food or balloons that were brought to distribute to the children inside it, as it prevents the placement of wooden berms that separate the ranks of men and women during prayer, and repeatedly confiscated the shelves of wooden shoes on its entrances, which reducedThe number of its pioneers.

Temple groups stacking

The mosque of the mosque exceeds the occupation police, a coincidence of the chapel, where they are under what is known as the union of the alleged temple groups, and they stormed Al -Aqsa, heading the eastern region next to the chapel of the Bab Al -Rahma, and the professor of studies of Jerusalem Abdullah Abdullah is known that these groups believe in the existence of a religious indication of the door of mercy, where he will enter from him "ChristThe expected "at the end of time, and they seek to convert the chapel into a synagogue, but his last opening dispelled their dreams.

And Maarouf adds, speaking to Al -Jazeera Net, that the intruders are trying to change the nature of the eastern region with the support of the occupation forces and intensify their prayers in it, to enable it to deduct it from the Al -Aqsa Mosque, expecting that the issue of the door of mercy in the forefront will remain in the coming period by virtue of the dangers in which it is thwarted.But it excludes the re -occupation of the closure of the chapel in anticipation of Palestinian reactions similar to the past years.