25 years since the emergence of Amazon .. Can Facebook predict the future of Bezos?

  • Time:Apr 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

1995.. The first Amazon site Amazon officially opened on July 16, 1995, but the first product sold by the company was months before that, specifically on April 3, 1995, and it was a book "Fluid Concept & Creative Analogies: computer models of the fundamental mechanisms", which arrived for the first customer, John Wainwright.

1997.. Amazon enters the market. Amazon shares are offered at $18 a share, giving it a valuation of $300 million. The company warned investors that it expected to report "significant operating losses for the foreseeable future" due to massive investments in technology and marketing as it seeks to beat stiff competition from bookselling giant Burns & Noble. The first day of trading is $1.96.

1998.. Amazon enters the world of musicAmazon expands its offerings and begins selling CDs and DVDs, launching a music division with 125,000 titles, allowing shoppers to listen to song clips, as well as view recommendations according to their mood.

1999. Jeff Bezos Person of the Year Time magazine names Jeff Bezos its Person of the Year, calling him the "King of E-Commerce" at the age of 35.

2002.. Amazon sells clothes and other thingsAmazon announces a partnership with several major clothing companies to offer 400 clothing brands in its online store. With this, Amazon has moved beyond books, with offerings that include electronics, toys, kitchen gadgets and even magazine subscriptions.

2007.. Kindle on the marketAmazon revealed the Kindle device. The e-reader enables users to download books, magazines and newspaper articles wirelessly. Its starting price is $399.

2009.. Amazon sells shoes Amazon buys online shoe retailer Zappos in a deal valued at nearly $900 million. Despite attempts to penetrate the shoe market, Amazon has not been able to catch up with Zappos, which offers free gifts and overnight shipping. After the deal closed, Amazon allowed the company to remain in Henderson, Nevada, headed by CEO Tony Hsieh.

2013.. Bezos enters the world of journalism Bezos said he would pay $250 million of his money to the struggling Washington Post to turn it into a private newspaper, funneling money into new employees and better online products. But the partnership was not without its problems, with President Donald Trump claiming the move was an attempt by Bezos to buy influence in Washington.

2014.. Amazon unveils its first and last phone. Amazon enters the smart phone market with the Fire phone, which integrates with Amazon features, but the phone faltered, forcing Amazon to write off $170 million and stop production the following year.

2015. Amazon's first real bookstore After being blamed for the decline of independent bookstores across the country, Amazon opens its physical retail location in Seattle. The store opening is intended to market Amazon's growing list of electronic devices. Amazon now has 15 bookstores across the United States.

2018: Amazon's $1 Trillion Value Amazon's stock price is rising, driven by investor enthusiasm for increasing profits, enough to bring the company to $1 trillion market value. It's the second company to cross that threshold, after Apple reached it earlier in the year, and analysts are quickly beginning to predict that $2 trillion won't be too far into the future.

25 عاما على ظهور أمازون.. هل يمكن لفيس آب التنبؤ بمستقبل بيزوس؟

2019 Amazon Turns 25 In a quarter century, Amazon employs 647,500 employees, occupies 288.4 million square feet of real estate, and accounts for nearly half of online retail sales in the United States.

It operates in sectors ranging from guard services to defense contracting. With all this success but a high tax, Amazon has come under fire from civil rights groups, presidential candidates, antitrust regulators and its own employees on issues ranging from facial recognition technology to the income tax bill.

Its owner, Jeff Bezos, has also been personally exposed to many problems, the latest of which was his divorce from his wife and partner MacKenzie Bezos, and the problems of spying on him and his girlfriend.

Amazon and the Challenge of Vice App in the Arab WorldAmazon has arrived in the Arab world late, as is the case in most technologies that start in the United States and reach us after a while, and this delay may be due to factors not related to technology, including: – The financial system depends entirely on credit cards Until the beginning of the second millennium in the Arab world, it was not confined to a small number of businessmen and some citizens who were living abroad, and it was not widely used as is the case now.

Logistical problems Most of our Arab cities until recently did not have a clear address classification system or even a modern mail system, and this is one of the most important influences in the success of e-commerce, as the presence of these clear addresses facilitates transportation and shipping operations from all over the world.

Also, many e-commerce companies at the time, including Amazon, were not shipping their goods outside the United States.

Trust problems The Arab citizen was not used to venturing into adopting new technology that would enter his bank accounts and transfer money to institutions in distant countries, which was the case at that time.

Al Jazeera Challenge for the first Arabic orders on Amazon

In this paragraph, we review some old requests from Arab buyers, and we ask old users of the Amazon service in the Arab world to share with us pictures of their orders and their first experiences with Amazon.

The iPhone forced me to use Amazon despite my experience as a technical expert and writer in this field. I may not be the first to use the Amazon service, but I was one of the first users of the iPhone in 2007 and it forced me to buy an iPhone from the United States and the difficulty of obtaining accessories for it in the Arab world in that Time to use Amazon to purchase these products directly.

It started as an adventure and ended as a habit. Amjad from the UAE says, I did not know if my money would return, but I was not afraid of the adventure, especially since the amount was simple and what I asked for was not in the market, so I bought through Amazon, and this adventure has now become a habit of shopping, so I go back to Amazon before buying anything A product for reading user reviews.

I did not find it a risk because it is a Western website. As for Mahmoud from Jordan, he sees that most of his purchases were books, devices or technical accessories, and the reason was that they were missing in the Arab markets, he did not find in the first request a risk, as the website is global and he expects good service from him.

I knew Amazon through technology books. My first order on Amazon was a book about programming. Iyad speaks from Qatar, recalling his first experience with Amazon, as I did not find this book in Arab libraries and markets, so I resorted to Amazon and the book arrived by mail and not by express delivery services at that time. .