25 died in "Red Bull Shell" in Ajman.

  • Time:May 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Tourism Development Department in Ajman suspended two days ago the activities of the "Red Bull Shell" race, which the Emirate hosted, with more than 25 meters of competition. They competed in a spirit of adventure and challenge, and in the presence of a remarkable public to enjoy this wonderful entertainment event.

انعقاد مجلس الوزراء اللبناني لأول مرة منذ أكثر من 100 يومد ب أ24 يناير 2022شركات تايوانية كبرى بصناعة الرقائق تخطط لتوظيف أكثر من 10 آلاف موظف في 2022محمود محمد24 يناير 2022

This race is considered the first activity of Ajman tourism for the 2022 season.

The Red Bull Shell race was held under the system of competing against the hour face to face between two cars. Each driver hoisted the car and parked it on two sides. The winner was determined on the principle of exclusion, meaning that the bilateral confrontation between the drivers ends with the exclusion of the loser.

25 متسابقاً في «ريد بُل شلّ» بعجمان

The organizing committee allowed the event to have vehicles with original or modified driving vehicles equipped with all safety equipment, all of which were subject to technical examination to confirm their eligibility for the race.

Al-Jazairi explained that the activities of the "Red Bull Shell" race and other exciting events come within Ajman's tourism plans aimed at boosting tourism activity in the Emirate through organizing specific and distinguished activities that benefit a large number of the Emirate's residents and visitors, and the promotion of the Emirate Ku Mana Se Ra who is an outstanding incubator and incubator of distinguished activities in the state.